Your most important astrological event: December 2023-May 2025

Aloha brothers and sisters, this is Romanesco. And this is the most important video I've ever made about what's about to happen in the world and in your life for the next year and a half. So if this is your first time here, I'm Romanesco. And I've been doing Vedic Astrology for 18 years. So give me a follow. subscribe, do all that fun stuff. 


Okay, brothers and sisters, this isn't going to be a rushed or fast video, because I'm going to take my time this is a video you're gonna want to bookmark and save and come back to for the next year and a half.  Because in the 18 years I've been doing Vedic Astrology, there is a planet of trends, there is a year and a half cycle, which is the most important cycle for predictions to see what's going to happen, always guaranteed to come true. So in our lives, in the world, there is a planet. This is a planet of wishes, it is a genie planet, just like Robin Williams in Aladdin. This planet is called Rahu, the north node of the moon, the dragon's head, and wherever this planet goes, it's a year and a half cycle every year and a half it changes houses and changes signs in our life granting a brand new wish that is guaranteed to come true. This is the wish making King making planet whatever sign it is in it makes that sign the most popular sign, the most strongest sign the prom king prom queen sign out of the whole Zodiac for a year and a half. 

So this energy of the sign is the most dominant energy that's coming in for that year and a half. Just like summer is hot, and winter is cold. For that year and a half is what is coming through the feeling this energy has is that it's effortless. It's easy. It's like an alcoholic. You say hey alcoholic, would you like to drink this beer? And they go hell yeah, that's easy. It's gonna come true no matter what. The only issue with this planet is it is like a cocaine wish addicted Genie. It just grants the same wish over and over and over and over again, just like we eat too much chocolate cake, by the end of the year and a half, we're done. We want to throw up, we'd like no more of that wish no more. And then the genie dies of a wish overdose and pops up in the new house and a new sign and grants that new wish. So that's the energy of Rahu, the north node of the moon the dragon's head. 

Conversely, and oppositely it has a relative it has a brother called Ketu, the south node of the moon, the dragon's tail completely opposite they're always opposite. And Ketu is an anti wish Genie. Wherever Rahu the north node of the moon, the dragon's head, the sign and house it is in it grants that wish. In order to grant that wish to do that, it has to then suck all of the wish energy out of the complete opposite sign. And he does that with Ketu, which is the anti wish Genie. So while that sign with Rahu is the most popular sign Ketu is the least popular sign and no one cares about it. It's completely debilitated. Rahu is like turning the volume up from zero to 10. In the physical world, it's gonna manifest and appear on this physical plane. Ketu is like taking the volume dial going from zero to negative 10. It goes into the spiritual world, i.e. it doesn't exist. So just like watermelons are abundant during the summer (Rahu) but you can't find them anywhere during the winter (Ketu) it's that same energy.  Rahu is a season of the physical world, Ketu the season of the spiritual world ie it doesn’t exist.

Okay. So I know that it took some time but it's very important. I just want you to feel this energy. So what's going to happen is on November 29 of this year 2023 until December 20 until May 2025 Rahu is going to be the 12th sign of the zodiac Pisces which is a water that changes which is oceans and clouds and outer space and mystery.  It rules surrender loss, letting go and becoming one with the cosmic zero. So I'm gonna go specifically what's going to be happening with Rahu and Pisces in the world. So the energy of Rahu in Pisces, it's the last sign of the zodiac. It rules endings. It is like the monk who's like, here's my shoes, here's my clothes, here's my family, here's my money, here's my career, I'm leaving, I'm going to give everything up and become one with the universe and meditate. So in our lives, that type of energy is really, really going to trend, anything that has to do with esoteric mystical spirituality, where you kind of give up, and you're one with the universe and consciousness and let go. So everything related to that energy from the physical to spiritual level, is going to become very, very powerful. 

For example, Pisces rules, oceans. So this is a time our relationship with oceans are going to become very powerful. And the oceans, the volume is being turned up, remember, so the oceans will be leaving their bounds. This is a time where things like tsunamis and crazy ocean stuff has become very, very, very way more prevalent, a lot more flooding, a lot more tsunamis. Pisces is water that changes is  also the clouds. So this is a time where clouds are gonna start doing a lot more weird things, a lot more rain, a lot more snow, a lot more hail, the energy of the clouds is going to become affecting us a lot more. Pisces rules, outer space and mystery. So this is a time when very mysterious things are going to become very powerful. So just like we're scared to go to the depths of the ocean, we are scared of the depths of outer space, things that are darkness, infinity, mysterious, things we cannot control and don't know what's going to happen. So this could be aliens, whether real or made up. But the idea of Oh my God, what's coming from the darkness, we don't know, mystery, we are all going to have a lot more mystery in our lives and have to deal with that mystery. It will be surrendering and letting go and charity. 

So this is a time people are going to begin selling everything. So if you need to sell anything, and make money, do it now because everybody's going to be selling, getting rid of their stuff. This is like the monks going back in the cave and letting go. This is a time where people are going to be letting go of life a lot more, there's gonna be a lot more suicides a lot more death. Because people are just gonna be like, I give up, I can't handle this, I can't fight. I'm just gonna let go of my life and become one with the infinite ocean. This is a time where there's gonna be a lot more charities. This is a time when spirituality is going to become big. But it's become like I said, not necessarily religion, spirituality, but just becoming one with the universe. This is a time everybody's gonna be doing drugs and plant medicines, but they're not going to be doing it for medicinal reasons, they're gonna be doing it to check out. So people are going to be doing like mushrooms all the time, and getting hurt, getting in accidents, dying and going crazy. Pisces rules people who are lost, so alcoholics, drug addicts, orphans, widows, things like that. So a lot more people are gonna be kind of losing their minds and going crazy at the time and letting go. And I know that seems bad and scary. But there's a season and a reason for everything. This is definitely definitely going to be happening. So just at this time, it's very important to get comfortable with letting go of physical stuff. And just seeing and getting used to being uncertain and out of control getting used to the sense of mystery. And we do not know everything, that knowledge, we have to let go of wanting to know and understand everything. So that is Rahu in Pisces.

So that's the wish Genie, that's what's going to be happening. But to make those wishes come true, it's gonna have to suck the wish energy from the opposite sign, which is Virgo, which is a sign of forest and quicksand. Problem solving artisans, science and technology, and being of service and being a servant. So in some ways, this is going to feel really good. Because this means with Virgo being the sign of servants, the slaves are going to be rebelling. Because what it means is, the slaves are not going to want to be slaves anymore, they're not going to want to serve anymore. So this is gonna be a lot of time where people are going to be liberating themselves and freeing themselves from their mental or physical slavery or servitude, which I kind of like people are not going to want to serve and help the machine run as much anymore. This is going to be a time when technology is really really really gonna go through a bad time. So everyone's excited about how AI is going to change the world. Well AI is not going to really be doing as well as we thought for the next year and a half. People are not going to be accepting it. They're gonna be rebelling against it. But there's gonna be a lot of issues with that. Technology, we've been relying so much on cell phones and Gmail and YouTube. But technology will be failing at this time, this is going to be a time of cybersecurity hacks, time electrical power grid hacks, this is a time where it's going to be like, Oh, my God, I cannot call my mom or my dad or log in my Gmail, because technology is not working technology will be failing everywhere. 

At this time. Unfortunately, the forest because Virgo rules the forest earth that changes is going to be very, very weak at this time. So this is a time where forests are gonna be burning up all over the world. And unfortunately, the Amazon is likely going to be decimated at this time. So my brothers and sisters who I have sat in ceremony with or become friends with who are from the Amazon, this is going to be the time of creating new Amazons spreading around the world where you will likely be leaving your homes and creating new relationships around the world, which has a benefit.  But I'm really sorry, the forest will be suffering greatly. Wood is gonna become very rare.  Lumber prices, the price of lumber is going to definitely go up. Or at least we're not going to be using those as much in homes, maybe the alternative buildings and things like that will trend. Science, people are going to really say, F U to science, and not trust science as much anymore. They're not gonna be trusting scientists as much anymore. They're not going to be trusting people who work in technology anymore. For next year and a half, we're not gonna be trusting pharmaceutical companies. So there'll be a lot of lawsuits against pharmaceutical companies, a lot of changes with medicine, people are going to be really having a different relationship than medicine at this time. And kind of giving up a lot of the standard pharmaceutical things and not trusting it. That's this time. 

It rules things like debt.  So this time people are either going to be getting rid of debt and filing bankruptcy. And just debt is not going to become as popular in the way it sounds. People would be letting go of their debt and not paying off their debt in a way. 

So yeah, guys, there you go. There's the global predictions. I hope that makes sense.  To wrap it up before I get into the personal zodiac sign predictions. The theme is just get used to having cosmic weird stuff happen, whether it's real aliens or fake aliens, get used to letting go and surrendering. And then get used to not arguing or fighting as much anymore, with Virgo being a sign of fighting arguments and lawyers and court cases. This is time to let go of technology. You just get back into nature and become one with the universe. 


Now for the personal zodiac sign predictions. So this is based upon your Vedic Astrology. So your sidereal Zodiac rising sign which is the rising sign that rules the body and what a body yearns to do it's not a sun sign, because we want to know what's going to happen to the body. That's more important than where our Sun a soul expresses itself. So if you don't know that, give me a call or contact me. Or just look at 23 degrees back it's about 23-24 degrees back, whatever your western astrology rising sign if you know that. 


So starting with starting with Pisces, because Rahu will be in Pisces, if you are a Pisces rising sign, this is going to be time when your greatest wish to energy that will be coming true is in your first house, which is related to your body, which your body yearns to do. So this is a time whatever your body has been doing the past 19 years, it's a 19 year cycle, you're going to change it. So maybe you're going to the gym, maybe you're changing your diet, whatever movements your body's been doing, like you're typing on the computer all the time, you're not gonna be doing that as much anymore. Concentrate on doing new body movements new exercise, you also become the most popular sign of the Zodiac at this time. So your energy of loss and surrender and letting go and becoming one of the universe, people are going to want that they're going to come to you and need you to do what you need to do. 


Now, if you are an Aries rising sign, a god of war and sparks this is happening in your 12th house of surrender loss and letting go Rahu the north node of the moon. So just like everything I said about Pisces and what's going to be happening, this is a time for you to let go and surrender. And this is a time to do more charity. This is a time to not be as popular to not be a guardian as much. This is a time to sit in more ceremonies, be alone more and to help people who are lost like drug addicts, cancer patients, those who are sick, widows, orphans, things like that. 


If you are a Taurus rising sign you fertility gods and goddesses. This is happening in your 11th house of tribe community and organization. This rules the sky and doldrums firmament that keeps us together. So what this means this is going to be a time that you're going to be joining new groups attending new parties. That you're not going to want to be in charge and be a CEO and lead stuff, you're gonna want to find the safety of the herd at this time, this is a time you're either going to find one culture and just do the food the drink the clothes and dances related to that culture, or be like a tourist going around and checking out a bunch of different cultures find the safety of the herd at this time.


 If you're a Gemini rising, you storm gods and goddesses, the air that changes. This is happening in your 10th house of career, social status and reputation and mountains. So this is a time you're going to begin focusing on building your business, building your reputation, are you Gemini the lawyer, Gemini the doctor, Gemini the whatever, it's whatever the world sees you as this is mountain energy, which means that it's going to feel slow, long, hard, you're going to want to give up but you're learning the qualities of endurance the wine that  takes time to become Oh, so fine. So this may be two steps forward, and one step back but by the end you will build something very, very good, that will last and endure. 


If you're a Cancer rising my river and rain gods and goddesses the water that creates ruled by the moon. This is happening in your ninth house of life, and spirituality and adventures and alchemy. So what this means is you are about to go on a great adventure. This is a time that the journey will be the destination where you're going to either do physical travels or spiritual travels, and have a new relationship with spirituality. This is a time your relationship with your father or father figures will change. Something will happen with your father, where you get closer with them and you start taking on more of the qualities of the father.  A time to be around teachers be around preachers. This is a time to just be more in spirituality and go to ecstatic dances and move your hips. 


If you are a Leo rising, my son gods and goddesses my kings, I honor you My king, this will be happening in your eighth house, which is like the eighth sign of the zodiac Scorpio of darkness, decay, and death. So what this means is this is gonna be a time you're gonna be letting things die in your life and kill old, weak things. So maybe you've got these emotional, spiritual wounds from when you were five or 10 and  your mom did this or society to this. It's time to let those things die and go, this is a shaman time or you're going to be spending more time with shamans, doing plant medicine, things like that. A very magical mystical time you might start talking with dead people, you might start having people trying to gaslight you and control you and poison you and control you with our minds and emotions. But that's going to help build up your psychic defenses at this time. This is a time also getting money from partners and maybe wills inheritances or having sugar daddies or mamas at this time.


If you are a Virgo, a forest and quicksand, god and goddess, a fairy of the forest, this will be happening in your seventh house, which is a house of relationships, harmony and duty. So you've had a really rough time in the past year and a half. So this wish with Rahu being in Pisces is that you're going to be flying around like a beautiful bird like on a tradewind creating relationships. This is a time for you to go around and create new business partnerships, create new romantic partnerships and to have a really, really good time your clothing and style will be changing at this time you will be dressing a lot differently and dressing very attractively, you'll be focusing on your skin at this time. So create new contracts, create new relationships, learn about music, learn about how to be harmonious equality, social justice, and equality and you'll have a really, really good time. 


Now, if you are a Libra, if you are a Libra you are a beautiful bird tradewind god and goddess this is happening in your sixth house, which is like the sixth sign Zodiac Virgo of arguing and lawyers and problem solving and health and healing. So what this means is this is a health and healing cycle for you. This is a time where you are going to be focusing on healing yourself whether with natural plant medicines and diets and enemas and things like that, where you're going to be focusing on alternative healing.  You'll be going to the hospital more if you don't start taking care of your health. This is the time you're going to be breaking down and that's okay because humans and things like cars are meant to break down. They're meant to be fixed. So this is a time not of relationships, but a time to fix and heal yourself. You might be arguing more at this time like having court cases. You might be very argumentative like a scientist trying to improve and fix yourself, a real self improvement time, a time of technology for you as well.


If you are a Scorpio you swampy volcano lightning gods and goddesses. This will be happening in your fifth house of creativity and children and giving birth. This is a king cycle. This is a time for you to shine your light, just like the sun and how fun is it that I'm going to be creating and expressing yourself and attracting a lot more people with your light. This is a time when you're going to be like a king shining and people are going to be your patrons. They will be patronizing you, which means they’ll be giving you money, giving you homes, giving you opportunity. This is a time to have fun. He or she who dies with the most fun wins. This is a really, really wonderful dharmic cycle you will be for all of you Scorpio risings.


Now if you're a Sagittarius rising you alchemic gods and goddesses of the fire that changes. This will be happening in your fourth house of the home and the mother and the power of softness. So your story, brave heroes is that this is a time you're going to be focused on being more internal and expressing your emotions and letting them flow through like the rivers, the streams and the rain. This is a time you're going to want to be staying at home or in your relationship with their home will be changing. Maybe you redecorate your home or renovate your home. Or maybe you get a new home, but your relationship with home and softness and the mother will be changing. Your relationship with your mother will be changing at this time. Whether you become more like her or something will happen with your mother, where she becomes more prevalent in your life. This is a power of the softness power of the feather power of the Thank You card power of the baby power of being vulnerable. This is a time you may be hanging around on farms and baby plants, baby animals, baby babies, baby whatever, but a very nurturing and soft and really motherly time this is like silver Queen Mother energy.


Next, if you're a Capricorn you mountain gods and goddesses like the goats climbing those mountains, this will be happening in your third house, which is a storm house of Fox and coyote medicine of chaos and change and distraction. So this is a time where you're going to be getting very courageous and brave and learning new things, taking new classes. This is a time you're going to be communicating and distracting people a lot more, a lot more emails, a lot more text messages, a lot more things having to do with your hands like look over here, look at my hands. This is Fox or coyote medicine, where you don't win and get ahead by being strong. But you get ahead by being smart, you will be using your brains a lot more at this time. This is a storm cycle, a storm cycle. whatever plan you got, it ain't gonna work out because you're like a ship on the path storm comes in, you're going on a new path. So get used to chaos and change at this time. It doesn't mean it's always going to be crazy. But when you get those times or downtime to relax, take time to relax. This is also the time of your younger sibling. So something could happen with them at this time they become more prevalent in your life.


And lastly if you are an Aquarius, my sky gods and goddesses of the firmament and Aquarius ruling the tribe and organization and culture this is happening in your second house of pleasure, fertility and wealth. This is a fertility cycle. I'm so happy for you. I'm working with a lot of Aquarius’s right now. They're just giving me money and clients. So what this means is this is a time to focus on pleasure. This is a time to focus on what you're being fertilized with and what you give out because fertility is you give me 10 apple seeds I give you 10 apple trees which is 10,000 Apples please.  This is a time when we focus more on yummy food you put in your mouth, yummy smells you put in your nose, yummy art insights you put in your eyes, yummy music and sounds in your ears. Yummy massages on your skin. This is a time you're like a big beautiful mango tree giving off juicy juicy fruit. So like a rose you need to focus on your thorns at this time. Who are you giving your fruit to? And then do they give you the fertilizer you want because  we need to focus on giving our fruits to those who are going to fertilize us so we can give more fruits because that's fertility in life. If we give out more and  people give us less that is death decay devil demon debt. So this is a time to really just experience pleasure and make money honey.

So I hope you all enjoyed this very, very, very important prediction. I want you all to know that I love you and I care about you and I will do everything I can to show up and be here for you at this time. So please reach out to me if you please follow my blog, follow my Instagram, follow my YouTube and ask me any questions if you need help during this time. I'm your brother Romanesco. I'm here to fight for you and guide you as your wizard on your hero's journey at this time. So please feel free to just reach out to me and I love you. Let's stick together everybody wheeeee!!!


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