Mercury Retrograde April 2nd-April 26th in Pisces: Storms of surrender!

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Mercury Retrograde is going to be happening from April 2 until April 26. And it's gonna f@k up all of our lives. But don't worry. I'm here to show you how to take that stormy energy and just surf that beautiful wave like a champ. Keep watching brothers and sisters.

So I'm really grateful for you joining me today. It's been a while since I've been back. So I'm really excited to just share my heart on what's gonna be happening during this Mercury retrograde. In this video, I'm gonna go over what a Mercury Retrograde is, what specifically is going to be happening in the world at this time, and then go into personal zodiac sign predictions to help give you the tips and tricks. And stories are there help keep you safe, and just thrive during this chaotic time of change. This is time of change, it's a time of healing. And we're all gonna have a really, really good time things are gonna look a lot different when we're done. 

Just before we get into that one, please remember that there's a whole blog where I wrote this whole out the link is in description, you can click there, along with your personal zodiac sign predictions. And if you'd like to support me with all this amazing free stories I'm doing. And there's two ways you can do that. 

One, you can go to my website and you can book an adventure with me it's zoom or in person. And we can talk about your stories and your charts and our hearts and really connect and help you plan and prepare. Two, I'm doing some market research for my new astrology one on one course called “The Natural Astrologer: less chart more heart. Where you can join a tribe of confident astrologers who have fun and make money with my  effortless story based method. It's a simple 20 minutes on the Zoom call. Again, it's market research. So I'm just asking you questions, it’s telling you opinion, there's no right or wrong answer. 

What is a Mercury Retrograde?

So let's get right into it. So first, what is a Mercury retrograde? Mercury rules Gemini, which is air that changes sign of storms. And it rules. Virgo, which is the earth that changes signs of forests. So in nature, because I'm in nature based astrology, that's a style I've come up with for myself. Astrology is not based upon the stars, but the laws of nature in the earth, all of this beautiful stuff. So a storm is the magic power of change and distraction. So when anytime we're on a path, the storm comes along, and it changes that path. Right, the chaos and the change when the storm leaves, we got a new path. So Mercury rules change. And then it also rules forest because when you go in the forest, that's where we find the medicinal herbs and plants that heal us as medicine and solve our problems. So Mercury rules change, and it rules medicine and problem solving. 

So the retrograde just means two things. One Mercury's incredibly close to Earth. It's like this planet is in town. It's in our fridge eating our Chunky Monkey, Ben and Jerry's ice cream, watching TV on our couch. It's in our face, it needs our attention. So it can be very powerful. And two, it's not two steps forward. But it's one step back. There's going to be delays and obstacles if we thought we were going to the beach to surf that wave. Nope, we left the surfboard at home. Gotta go back and get it and that's what's the Mercury Retrograde, we gotta go back. 

So this Mercury Retrograde is on April 2, and through April 26. Now, the two weeks before, and the two weeks after it's called the shadow period, where stuff is going to start changing and getting messed up a little bit. So when the Mercury retrograde hits, bam, that is what's really going to happen, and what's really needing our attention at that time. So just be aware, it's not April 2 yet, but just look at the area in your life that's getting messed up, you can look on your rising sign and know that is what is going to be even more powerfully being affected. And then the shadow period ends around May 13. So that is when it's really smooth sailing after that. So let's get right into it. 

Mercury Retrograde in Pisces

This Mercury Retrograde is going to be happening in the zodiac sign of Pisces. Pisces is the water that changes a rule things like ocean and clouds and outer space. It has a magic power of space. So all of this stuff right here, space, see emptiness, space, nothingness. So that is what is going to be happening at this time.  We're gonna be looking at how do we create space in our lives. And depending upon a rising sign that will show what area of our lives we need to create space in. So the Mercury Retrograde is showing up in generally in the world and asks us how do we create space? And maybe it has to do with things like death? What is our relationship with death and creating space when you leave the planet? Or what about bankruptcy? What about charities? What about those who are lost, who are hidden because energy of space is things that are hidden like orphans, widows, lepers, those who are sick, dying of cancer. are alcoholics. So how do we deal with those who are lost those who create space? It's very, very spiritual energy. 

Mercury's actually debilitated here because Mercury, the energy of change, and problem solving, when you're floating around in space has nothing to change and problem solving. So this should be a very, very, very powerful Mercury Retrograde, there should be a lot more chaos than normal. And it may be hard for us to think and be logical during this time. And that's okay. Because Pisces is a sign of fantasy and letting go, it's where we open our hand to see what pops in it.. 

Mercury Retrograde Predictions by Zodiac Sign

So now let's get into the Zodiac rising sign predictions. So again, I do sidereal, Vedic Astrology, which is 24 degrees back. And I do that because it's what astronomers and sailors use. Those who have to be accurate uses sidereal Zodiac. If you got any questions about your chart, how to figure that out, you can always reach out to me, and then I will show you your chart for free. 


First, if this Mercury Retrograde is happening in Pisces, which is your first house, this is going to be strongly affecting your body and your ability to fight and get what you want. Because the first house rules, the warrior, it's our warrior story, and it rules our body. So this is gonna be time you're gonna be looking at what is my relationship with my body, and strength and power? Where am I putting my strength? Where am I putting my power? Am I letting people take my power? Or am I holding on my power and having thorns for my rose. This is a time where you may look at the ways you make your body stronger with food with diet. With going to the gym, and the different power dynamics you have also as a warrior story, what is our mission in your life? What are you trying to hit with your sword and your spear, you're going to be looking at what you're trying to achieve, what objectives at this time, and you're gonna be changing that up. 


Now, if this is happening in Aries as your rising sign in Vedic Astrology, this will be happening in your 12th house, which is the same energy of the 12 signs the Zodiac Pisces. This is a story of loss, surrender, letting go and creating space. So everything I said leading up to this is the same for an Aries rising. So this time we're going to be looking at how do we create space in our lives? For example, if you're going through a bankruptcy at this time, you may be going back and looking at those documents and refiling them and making sure that everything is copacetic. If you have anyone you're doing charity with, with someone's sick and your family's got widows or orphans or lepers in your life, how are you dealing with those people? How are you helping them and how you going back with that, this might be a time you might be giving up a lot of things in your life, selling your shoes, giving up your clothes or your job or your home, things that you're trying to let go of that not ready to let go of yet. But they will be ready go on April 26 when the Mercury retrograde ends.


So if you are a Taurus rising a fertility god, this is going to be happening in your 11th house. The 11th house is the same energy as the 11th sign of the zodiac Aquarius, which is a magic power in the story of the tribe, the community, the organization in the culture. So what this means is you're going to be spending a lot of time going back and looking at your social circle, whether online or offline, your friends, your family, your co workers. If you're a Hawaiian or a Mexican or a Democrat or an astrologer, it's time to change your social circles, and fix and heal those things. Also the culture that creates these social circles at this time, the food the drink the clothes, the silly hats, thesilly jokes that make your culture a culture, you're going to be looking at those things at that time and changing them. 


Now, if you are a Gemini rising a storm god with a magic power of distraction, this will be happening in your 10th house, which is the same energy as a 10 sign of the zodiac, Capricorn, which is a story of the mountain and the marathon and the wine that takes time to become fine. So this has to do with everything that is long and slow and hard. But we can't give up like building our career, building our social status, building things, whether they're physical or metaphorical. So this is a time with a lot of changes in your career. If you want to get that promotion if you want to change your job. There's not going to be time yet. The time will happen on April 26. when the Mercury retrograde ends. What is your social status and what is your peer group? Are you a doctor? Are you a lawyer? Are you a janitor, whoever you are? How the outer world sees you? Is this anything you're trying to build at this time, like build a business or build a reputation? Go back, work out the kinks and you'll move forward on April 26. 


If you are a Cancer rising Divine Mother of the rivers and the babies and a magic power of softness. This will be happening in your ninth house. The ninth house is a similar energy to the ninth sign of the zodiac. Sagittarius, which is the house of alchemy and nature and spirituality and divine true love. So this is going to be time where you are trying to spend more time in nature. But you're going to want to be changing how you spend time in nature at this time, maybe you got to hang out in more forests instead of rivers. This has to do with things like education and higher education and spirituality. So if you're going to college, you're going to look at the classes you're taking the friends you're hanging out with, and reevaluating that at this time. What about your father or father figures like priests or preachers or gurus, that's gonna be very pertinent at this time, a lot of changes, a lot of healing, you need to be done with that at this time. This also has to do with the body part of the hips. So dancing in the hips, there might be changes needing to be made at that time. This is an adventure like Lord of the Rings adventure. So if you're going on any long term traveling or adventures, things are going to change at this time. 


All right, if you are a Leo rising, my kings of the Zodiac ruled by the sun. This will be happening in your eighth house, which is a similar energy to the eighth sign of the zodiac Scorpio with a magic power and story of death, and swamps and all that dirty, awesome, amazing stuff. So what this means is that at this time, you need to let things die in your life. Maybe they're old physical wounds, or old spiritual or emotional wounds. Maybe something happened when you were in the womb, right. And that trauma you're still holding on with. You're not ready to let go of it yet, but you're ready to work on it let go into on April 26. So this has to do with things like swamps and volcanoes and manipulation and power plays. So anything that's kind of dark, and hidden. The genitals or the anus or the bladder, anything you need to let go of you're going to be working on that. A lot of smelly dirty stuff you're not allowed to talk about so things like inheritances if you've got any inheritances or wills or insurance settlements at this time, they will move forward after April 26. If you have any deaths in the family, if you're dealing with any health issues around the bladder or the anus, it'll be good time to let it go at that time for liking cold plunges and stuff really good time to deal with cold plunges, because the eighth house is the fixed water house of cold deep dark water. 


Now, if you are a Virgo rising fairy of the forest with a magic power of medicine and healing, this will be happening in your seventh house of relationships. The seventh house iis similar energy to the seventh sign of the zodiac Libra, which is the energy of harmony and beauty and relationships. So what this means is that this is not the time to go forward and create new relationships. It's time to look at how you create relationships and work on your existing ones before you create new ones. This is a time of flying around like a beautiful bird. So how do you choose to create relationships? How do you choose to be attractive and make friends looking at all these new contracts, and friendships and romantic partnerships at this time, this has to do with things like clothing and style. So if you love your clothes and your style, this is a time to look back and change your clothing and style of before you move forward that has to do with the skin. So if you have any concerns or issues with the skin, you'll be working on those at this time. This is beautiful bridge energy. So any of those bridges and relationships, like trade wind energy, if you own a sailboat, you're going to be working on that boat at this time.


Libra, you beautiful trade wind Gods and Goddesses which are the beautiful birds of the Zodiac, this will be happening in your sixth house, the sixth house is the same energy as the sixth sign of the zodiac Virgo, which is house of medicine and health and healing and the forest. So what this means at this time, is that you are going to be needing to work on fixing your health at this time. So the diets, the yoga, the Pilates, the coffee enemas, all those health things that we do to fix and heal ourselves. That is what you're going to be looking back at this time. This is a scientist or lawyer energy, a lawyer fights with those that we love because we want them to be stronger and better. And we want to improve them and have them be right. Just like a scientist, a scientist does something wrong 99 times to get it right that one time and then tell everyone how to do it right. So this is a time to be more critical of yourself and to work on all those things you're trying to fix and improve. How do you argue with people at this time? How do you fight for what you want and improve yourself a lot of self improvement energy, you're going to be looking at this time.  It  has to do with the intestines has to do with being a service so if you've got that shitty customer service type of job, that's okay. A lot of changes around that at this time. 


Next sign of the Zodiac is Scorpio. Scorpio is my beautiful swamp gods and goddesses with the magic power of death. This is happening in your fifth house, which is the same energy as a fifth sign of the zodiac Leo, which is a magic power and story of creation, and children and shining like the sun. So this is a time where you're going to be looking at your self identity and your freedom and what helps you feel like a king and shine your light and create what you want to create. So how are you creating this artistic stuff? How you feeling free, this also has to do with children. So if you got any children, there's been a lot of changes and turmoil around them at this time on this.  Also, things like investment in time, how do we spend our time and trade our time for money? Any investments that we have are going to be looked at at this time has to do with the heart, the spine in the solar plexus, so pay attention to those body parts at this time. 


Next, we're going to Sagittarius rising the Alchemist of the Zodiac, this will be happening in your fourth house. The fourth house is the same energy as the fourth sign of the zodiac cancer, which is a magic power and the story of the moon and power of softness. So how is your relationship with your home at this time? What type of changes will you be making in your home at this time, as well as your mother, your mother's coming in to your chart at this time. And she's going to be giving you messages and giving you things to change at this time. A lot of healing with your mother at this time. A lot of healing with things that are soft and innocent like babies, baby plants, baby animals, baby humans, things having to do with land having to do with the breasts in the lymph system, because that's a body part the fourth house rules, how do you feel emotions and experienced emotions and feel safe at this time, that's where the changes will be happening.


Capricorn rising, if you're a Capricorn rising, which is a gods of the mountains and marathons and the builders of the Zodiac, this will be happening in your third house. The third house is the same energy as the third sign of the zodiac Gemini, which is a magic power and story of change and distraction. So at this time, how do you change and and deal with distraction?  It has to deal with communication, things like texts, phone calls, emails and writing, there's going to be a lot of chaos, a lot of emails and texts going back and fourth at this time. This has to do with the younger siblings. So your younger sibling will be in your life at this time working on fixing and healing them.  It has to do with the arms and the vocal cords. And what we want to get at this time. So if you have any health issues around the lungs, or those things, those would be a lot of change happening. This is a lot of chaotic energy, that third house, so there's gonna be extra storm energy at this time, maybe driving around or communicating more, but that's okay, change is good. When the storm passes, there'll be a whole new path open to you. 


Now, lastly, if you are an Aquarius rising a god of the culture in the tribe, this will be happening in your second house. The second house is the same energy of the second sign of the zodiac Taurus, which is a magic power and story of pleasure and fertility. So what this means is how do you give and receive pleasure with food with drink, with beautiful music in the ears, beautiful smells in the nose, beautiful touches on the skin? How is your relationship with that stuff, and it will be changing at this time. This has to do with wealth. So how do you create wealth and stack wealth? Is it food, drink, gold or money? What helps you create wealth in this world and your money at this time, this again is going to have to do with pleasure. So watch how you spend money at his time. And what things pleases you with people at this time, a lot of fertility. So if you're working on trying to fertilize things, whether create new babies, or grow new things in your life, they will be a lot of change in this area at this time. 

And that's it, everybody.  I hope this was very helpful for you. This is so fun for me. And I love this connecting and sharing my stories as a wizard. What's most important for you to know is that I care about you. And that if you ever need anything, you can always reach out to me. 

If you want to do a zoom adventure with me that can be really fun. You can support me that way. And please sign up for that 20 minute zoom call for the market research where you can help me create my natural astrology course. It's something I'm really trying to do is create my passive solar powered income. That's the best way to support me. So I love you guys. Thank you so much, keepmaking love with Astrology. I'm your wizard Romanesco!

Transcribed poorly by AI


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