Mercury Retrograde Horoscope Predictions August 23-September 15

Transcribed poorly by AI

Mercury's going retrograde from August 23. through September 15. There will be scandals in Hollywood around child trafficking. And there will be delays and obstacles in your life around your creativity. What's going to happen? Keep watching. I'm romanesco and if you make love with astrology like I do you better share this with your brothers and sisters right now. Because we got to all learn how to get through this together. 

So I'm very excited to be here with you today to give you quick Horoscope Predictions for your Zodiac rising sign, as well as generally what will happen in the world with this mercury retrograde and remember I do Vedic Astrology, which is a true OG astrology. Stay away from that GMO astrology, which is Western astrology, which is giving you the wrong story everybody. Go book a free session, click the link in my description. And we can do a free 30 minute zoom and find out your true zodiac sign and story. 

So Mercury Retrograde if you don't know just means two things. Mercury rules Gemini, the sign of storms and chaos and Virgo the sign of the forest and problem solving and healing. So when Mercury is retrograde, it just means it's incredibly close to the Earth. And extremely powerful that mercury is on your couch, eating your Ben and Jerry's ice cream walk around in his underwear like it owns a place. It wants your attention. It's one step back there will be delays and obstacles we gotta go back before we go forward when it goes direct. And that's o k. 

So this Mercury Retrograde is a very interesting one. It's happening in Leo, which is a sign of kings and children and creativity and Hollywood and sun investment, time and shining light like a star. So we already know what's going to be happening. So we already know that look at what's happening with Hollywood right now. There's strikes going on. There's a lot of scandal around the sound of freedom movie about the child trafficking stuff going on. So when this Mercury Retrograde happens, expect that to blow wide open.  Expect the strikes in Hollywood to get even worse, and expect even more scandals to come out related to child trafficking specifically with Hollywood how they're turning a blind eye, and they might actually be complicit. And a bunch of it. Watch out. 

This is also the zodiac sign of Trump. So expect a lot of news and chaos to come out around Trump. He's a Leo rising of course, he's the king. And just expect a lot of information and news to be happening around investments, creativity and children, there might even be a lot of sun stuff like some sunspots coming to kill us type of thing related to the sun.

Now here we go to the Horoscope Predictions for your zodiac signs, your rising sign in Vedic Astrology, which rules the body and what happens to the body, which is why I love that for predictions. It's so simple.

So if you're an Aries rising, a spark god of fire that creates likely this will be happening in your fifth house of creativity, birth, and the soul. So we can expect things if you've got a child, expect a lot of changing healing happen around that child, if you've got a lot of art and creativity, expect to go back and work out how you create art and how you create things. This also has to do with your soul and where you shine your light. I'm getting nervous, because I'm talking about myself, there might be a lot of scandals and people talking about how you shine your light and appear in the world. But that's okay. Because once September 15 comes around, you will be able to move forward with this. Oh my god, I'm a moderator in some online social circles. So there might be some people coming at me, I'm realizing that. 

If you are a Taurus rising you fertility god and goddess the earth that is fixed. This is happening in your fourth house and the mother in a power of softness. This is the house of emotions. So what this means is that this is going to be a time where to go back and revisit some of those old stories with your mother, call her work out those old kinks, this could be a time of things that need to happen in your home things that need to get fixed, and your home a little bit more chaos and usual, the small changes in the home. This is the power of softness and emotions. So be aware of how you express your emotions during this time, and how you may choose to learn how to do that differently. At this time. 

If you are a Gemini storm, ruled by Mercury you should feel very powerful at this time because you're ruled by Mercury and this is happening in your third house, which is like the third zodiac sign of Gemini. So this is going to be a time where you're gonna have a lot of changes and communication with your younger brother. Because the third house is the younger brother as well. It's going to be happening with how you decide to communicate with people. So maybe you decide to speak new languages or speak in different ways. It's time to go back and look at how to communicate and even argue with other people. This is a time that um, there's something new you've been trying to learn in your life. Some new skill or hobby, and you're going to kind of go back before you go forward. They call it Fox and coyote medicine, but sometimes the fox and coyote, you'd take a break before they go forward. 

Now, if you're a cancer rising, you waterfall and rain gods and goddesses, this is happening in your second house of wealth, health, pleasure and fertility. Oh, I love my second house. It's like the second sign of the Zodiac Taurus. So you cancers are going to experience a lot of change around your wealth situation. So you might be spending more money on things that might be happening with your investments at this time. Um, it's important to kind of go back and just watch how you spend and save money. There's gonna be like a lot of little demons and goblins trying to take your money, eat it at this time. And that's okay. Just watch it and be aware of it because you'll be making more money soon. This is also the pleasure you put in your body. So how you buy food, how you do music, how you do art, anything that's pleasurable with you expect a lot of changes at that time. 

All right, now we are going into Leo, Leo, the Mercury Retrograde is in you, you god and goddesses of the sun, this is happening in the first house of your body. So expect a lot of this drama to be centered around you. People are gonna be talking about you, people are going to be wanting to fix you and heal you and you're going to want to be fixing and healing yourself. It's a very good time to focus on doing, you know, colonics and massages and changing your diet at this time. I'm expecting a lot of people to be talking about you. And that's okay. Just know that it's not going to last for forever, but expect a lot more communications and texts and emails. There'll be a lot of storms swirling around you at this time. But you just got to be the eye of that storm my king! 

Next we are going to be talking about Virgo. Virgo is another sign ruled by Mercury, it is the gods of the forest and healing and fixing things. So this is happening in your 12th house of surrender loss letting go and charity. So what this means is that there's something you've been trying to let go of and surrender, maybe even trying to be alone more or dream or sleep more. But it's going to be difficult for that to happen, because there are some things you're going to be needing to fix at this time. Maybe you learn or take classes in those areas like how to be a monk how to do sacred sexuality, how to dream, this is a really good time to take classes about dreaming, and learn more skills related to the void the other world is a lot of Piscean energy coming at you that you need to fix and heal. 

Next we got Libra, Libra, my tradewind beautiful birds, Goddess and goddesses. This is happening in your 11th house of community, tribe and organizations. So what this means is that in your social circle, there's bound to be a lot of change, and fixing and healing going on. So this might be a time where your social circles and groups start fighting around each other or trying to change your cultures or traditions. Maybe people are arguing or you know, talking some shit whether about you or just some general changes going on. Let the social circle heal, let that tribe heal. Let it get fixed, because it's going to be oh so nice once that happens. 

Next we got Scorpio, my swamp and volcano gods and goddesses. This will be happening in your 10th house of career, social status and reputation. So you've been trying to move forward with a career. I'm a doctor, I'm a lawyer, I'm an artist, but it's time to step back a little bit and rework some things rework those proposals, rework those resumes, you'll be sending a lot of texts and emails and just be aware of a lot of changes will be happening around that. But you can move forward around September 5. If you go hiking around on a mountain at this time. Please be careful. 

Next we got Sagittarius. Sagittarius is all about the divine fire of life sign. So this Mercury Retrograde is going to be happening in your ninth house of the father in spirituality and adventure and divine true love. So what this means is, there's a lot of changes in healing happening around your father or father figures around this time, there's gonna be a lot of changes and healing around your religion and your connection with spirituality and source at this time. This is a time for you to spend more time in nature and begin learning more about nature, taking classes, learning new things about nature. This might be a time you take some long distance travels where you get on the bus or the plane and you travel around and it's a little chaotic, but you'll be learning some lessons. This is a great time to do ecstatic dancing and learning how to dance. Also a great time for Divine true love, expect more arguments and healing around that, coming September 15 is going to move forward. 

Next we got Capricorn you mountain gods and goddesses Oh, I love me some Capricorn, you this is happening in your eighth house move and that's pain into pleasure trash into treasure. It is a house of death. So what this means is that there's something you've been trying to let go of, you've been trying to let die. This could be something physical, like a pet, a family member, a plant. This can be something emotional, like this old innocent part of yourself when you were a baby, that it is wounded, but it needs to be killed. So you can grow like a strong new mango tree from the compost and ashes of that old so this is phoenix from the flames. But you gotta wait until September 15. So might even be taking more classes around being a doula. Big death doula stuff around caregiving. A really good time for tantra classes learning about tantra and eighth house stuff. This is a time maybe you're trying to get money from insurances or life insurance or like settlements like that. And there might be some delays happening, but it's okay. It's all gonna move forward. 

On September 15. Next, we got Aquarius, my culture kings and queens, my sky gods and goddesses. This is happening in your seventh house, of relationships and contracts and harmony. So what this means is there's been some contract, some relationship you've been trying to move forward with, this could even be like your clothes because seventh house is clothes. But you do not want to sign that contract. No, no, no, you need to go back and do some revisions, you need to go back and work out the kinks before you move forward with that relationship or that contract. And this is also related to your clothing, like I said, so if you've been trying to move forward with a new style, wait, wait, wait, go back. Working on those pants and jeans and hats. I know you don't look as good as I do, because I look great. But you can after September 5. 

Alright, Pisces, my mermaid and Merman, my ocean gods and goddesses. This will be happening in your sixth house. And this sixth house is about health and healing and fixing and problem solving things like the sixth sign of the zodiac Virgo. So what this means everybody is that there's some problem you've been trying to solve. Maybe it's with a lawyer or a court case, maybe it's with a car that's broken. Maybe it's with a relationship, maybe it is a health or healing thing, something to do with your body. But you will not be moving forward on that. Until September 15. It's important to go back and learn, take more herbs, learn new health modalities and work on fixing that car or relationship. If it's a court case or divorcing, wait until September 15, then it will move forward.

That is all we went through the whole Zodiac everybody. I'm so honored you joined me today. Before we go, I just want you all to know that I love you so much. And I'm getting so much support right now from all my brothers and sisters. I'm getting prayers, I'm getting money. I'm getting followers, I'm getting emails. And I'm just so grateful that you are all showing up for my life. And I'm here to get stronger and get better and show up more. So if you need me, you need to go and give me a follow and reach out to me and let me know and I'll do whatever I can to help you. Also please remember, this is all in my blog. So if you go to my website, I've got this all written out for you. And it's super, super easy, super simple, and we can connect more there. I'm romanesco and I've been doing Vedic Astrology for 18 years. So if you make love with astrology like I do, give me a follow. Share this with all their brothers and sisters and let's be friends. Tada, wheeeee!!


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