Vedic Astrology saved my life. Let’s adventure into this divine book of our souls together…

I was living the California Dream as a private health chef and medical cannabis expert in Los Angeles. Everyday I did what I wanted to do; early dawn patrol surfing in the mornings at Malibu, afternoon cooking and medical cannabis consultation for cancer patients in Santa Monica, community activism and politicking in West LA at evenings. Life was fun, sun and LOTS of organic, yummy farmers market food. But then why did I feel so sick, like I was dying inside?

I spent endless hours researching nutrition and testing endless diets. I wasted tens of thousands of dollars on healers and psychics to point me in the right direction. All of these things would help ease my pain for a short time, but in the end I would be left with empty pockets and a mind full of more questions.

Then my lovely cousin (from my Mother’s side) Ben came to town to be my sous chef for a celebrity drug rehab center that I was the Executive Chef at in Malibu. He was studying astrology which I thought was cool, but it was a style that I had never heard of before, “Vedic Astrology” aka Jyotish. He effused on the virtues of this ancient system of knowledge and healing taught to him by his ex-girlfriend’s father (a mailman named Phil) and his passion got me hooked.

At first I didn’t believe that Jyotish would help me solve my problems. Sure it was interesting, but how could it heal my pain? Gradually, the more I studied it and the more I began to test, apply and BELIEVE that this was in fact God’s instruction booklet for life the more my pain went away. I soon realized my issues stemmed from an imbalance of the four elements and my obsession with the demonic elements of EARTH and AIR. EARTH was the money, food and career that I was always chasing and could never satisfy me. AIR was the relationships, desires and f*$#king cell phone that wanted to distract my mind every minute.

Instead, I began focusing on the heavenly elements of FIRE and WATER. FIRE was the knowledge, passion and dharma that could keep me on the path of truth, and let the light of God flow through and guide me. WATER was the healing, unconditional love and surrender that could cure my pain better than any super green smoothie. Once I began APPLYING these concepts my pain went away and everything from my finances to my relationships improved. That is when I knew I had stumbled upon the greatest secret in the world that all great men and women have realized; that there exists a map that shows us how to make all of our dreams come true and that map is astrology. Now the only way for me to continue my healing is to share my love for this divine treasure with you.

I want you to know that I do these Vedic Astrology sessions not because I WANT to but because I NEED to. Please understand, (I know it is selfish ha ha) the only way I can get the knowledge and healing I seek is by spending time with you laughing, crying and discussing these mysteries of life. I NEED you like the bee needs the flower and the flower needs the bee.

I am so grateful for you taking the time to read this. I am here for you always and when you feel called to learn more, why don’t you set up a free Let’s Get to Know Each Other adventure to see if we are a good match? I can’t wait!


Kauai, Hawaii




What can I expect from a session with you?

I believe that each of the 12 signs of the zodiac represent a certain God that is a small ingredient in the recipe of life. Each one of these Gods has a story and what I like to call “magic powers”. Earth is like vacation time off for the Gods, they come here to party, enjoy themselves and live out a predetermined story in the company of their fellow immortals. By looking at your chart, we find out what God you are and that’s where the FUN begins! I call my sessions “adventures” for a good reason because don’t know where we will end up. But since we laugh, cry and connect on the pain and pleasures of earthly existence we will enjoy a fabulous time doing it.

What is the difference between Vedic Astrology (Jyotish) and Western Astrology?

Western astrology is like trying to drive through Los Angeles during rush hour with a map from the 1920’s; things have changed and you will get lost. The sky has a map and over the past 2000 years the stars have changed location but Western Astrology chose to never update it (for a variety of reasons which we can discuss more in depth on our first adventure).

Vedic Astrology uses the same map of the sky that astronomers and NASA use; what you see in the sky is what you get in your chart. That is why Jyotish is known as being far more accurate with prediction and personality typing than Western.

If you want to get really nerdy on it, Google “Precession of the equinoxes wrong zodiac sign” or read this article HERE.

What is APPLIED astrology?

There are many Vedic Astrologers who come from a long sacred lineage of Jyotishis. Who know every detail, technique and diligently carry on this ancient tradition. I am not that kind of astrologer. All I care about is WHAT WORKS and how to APPLY these principles to solve our problems related to DHARMA, WEATH, RELATIONSHIPS and HEALING. As a health chef for over 20 years I learned that it doesn’t matter what I feed you if you can’t digest it. It is my job to communicate this sacred knowledge in a way where you will walk away EMPOWERED. I have my own unique, artistic style that works well for me and my friends and if you want a taste why don’t you set up a free Let’s Get To Know Each Other adventure and find out?

What is your experience, certifications and teachers?

If you are looking for an astrologer with degrees and a lineage I am not that astrologer. While I have am currently doing very poorly as a student at Joni Patry’s University of Vedic Astrology (I promise I will start completing my tests!) my magic is in my real world EXPERIENCE of the past 20 yars. I do not do astrology as a hobby, I practice astrology because I will DIE if I don’t. Jyotish is the only thing that has consistently solved my problems and kept me alive through all of my pain and suffering and this need to SURVIVE and APPLY these ancient principles is my medicine I offer you.

Do I receive a recording and can I ask follow up questions?

Every adventure includes a complimentary audio recording and follow up questions by email. These adventures are FUN for me. I like hearing from you and love developing long term friendships with my clients.