October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign

Please note I am referring to the Vedic Astrology, sidereal zodiac that astronomers use which FEELS MORE ACCURATE than western astrology. Astronomers have to be accurate or their satellites will blow up. Your TRUE zodiac sign is actually 24 degrees back to the previous zodiac sign than on the western zodiac. Don’t know your Vedic chart? Sign up for a FREE Vedic Astrology Reading and I’ll do it for you!

This October is all about the explosive solar eclipse in Libra on October 25th. An eclipse is like a starting gun at a race that initiates the new cycle for that sign. Since Ketu (the anti-wish planet of suck) is in Libra this will be a de-evolution cycle where peace, diplomacy and contracts will break down over the world. Make sure you stay close with your blood brothers and blood sisters (literal or figurative) during this time and stay away from shallow, airy people.


@makeluvwithastrology October horoscope October horoscope 2022 October horoscope for the zodiac signs October 1 horoscope #horoscope predictions by #zodiacsign #vedicastrology #siderealzodiac #astrologytok ♬ Meditation with natural sounds and music that closes your eyes - Red Blue Studio

Mercury Exalted Retrograde in Virgo ENDS October 1: Problems are over!

Mercury is the god of Gemini which rules storms, social media, fiat currency and annoying things like bugs and cell phone notifications.  It is also lords over Virgo the sign of forests, diets, arguing and nerds.  Mercury loves to problem solve and get attention and it is exalted in his own sign of Virgo which makes him strong.  But being retrograde means that he will be the most powerful god in the heavens and really throwing his ADHD weight around until he leaves.

Retrograde just means 2 things:

  1.  Mercury is the closest to the earth out of his entire orbit and will be super strong. He is on your couch watching Netflix, in your fridge eating straight out of your Ben & Jerrys “Cherry Garcia” ice cream.  He is in town and is going TO LET YOU KNOW IT!

  2. Retrograde just means “one step back” not “two steps forward”.  So whatever project, person etc. began around August 21 is about to be delayed and reassessed.

When Mercury retrograde ends (goes direct) we are back into the the 2 steps forward part of the cycle. Whatever problem you were trying to solve and heal will move forward. Rejoice and enjoy the momentum!

Full Moon Pisces October 9: Solve our problems by surrendering them

Every new moon a seed is planted in a sign that will fruit and bloom 2 weeks later during the Full Moon in another sign. Imagine a sunflower seed being planted during the new moon that then blossoms into something quite unexpected on the Full Moon; a fragrant rose blossom!

This is one of my favorite astrological cycles to predict because it is so short (only 2 weeks) and the full moon results always seem different yet related to our new moon's intentions. Reading the rising sign horoscopes below and embodying their energies is like fertilizer for new moon wish-making; let’s harvest some juicy wishes!

So look at what house Virgo rules and focus that energy of problem solving, health and service in that house.  Then when the full moon comes around in Pisces focus the energy of surrender, loss and fantasy in that area of life house.  It will come true I promise!

Mars in Gemini October 16-November 13: Fight with your words and wits!

Mars rule the cardinal fire sign Aries of sparks and infernos and the fixed water sign Scorpio of swamps and volcanos. It is the planet of energy, war and movement. Wherever it goes in the zodiac, that is where the fire will occur. Gemini is the changeable air sign of storms which rules chaos, commerce and communication. Expect a lot more fighting on social media, texts and emails at this time. A time to be competitive and not back down in the area of life that it rules!

Sun Debilitated in Libra October 17-November 16: The King needs to make a deal

Sun is the god of fixed fire which rules creativity, birth, expression, children and laughing so hard milk comes out your nose. Wherever it goes it literally illuminates and allows that sign to shine its light all over the world.

Libra is the cardinal air sign of Venus that rules peace, diplomacy, harmony and relationships.

Debilitated just means out of all the signs in the heavens Sun hates that spot more than any other. Imagine the King who just wants to rule and shine but instead has to make deals and negotiate. This is more of a “bad” time for Leo rising signs and those with strong suns who have to step out of the limelight for a bit. But it can also be very good for those Libra energies like modeling, skin, equality, beauty and music. A great time to express ourselves there!!!!

Venus in Own Sign of Libra October 18-November 12: Harmony, peace and instagram model selfies galore!

Venus rules the fixed earth sign of Taurus which is fertility, wealth and pleasure.  If it looks good, sounds good, smells good, tastes good or feels good it is Taurus. Also, rules the cardinal (movement) air sign of Libra which is harmonious, beautiful relationships, business and romantic partners.

Venus in Libra is what I like to call “bird medicine”. Relationships are invisible and always changing like air so this is a time when relationships and those who specialize in them (like my awesome new Libra friend Jaime) should do really well. Like a bird flying around from tree to tree or a ship sailing from port to port. Use these bridges and air currents to make some friends. You will need them the coming months and wars begin to heat up.

5 Planets in their Own Signs October 17-October 20

I am really stoked for this rare transit such as this when 5 planets were together in their own sign that they rule. When a planet is in it’s own sign, it is like a king being in it’s own castle. It is super comfortable and at home. When 5 PLANETS are in their own sign at the same time it is just going to feel really good. Things should flow really well. So enjoy this time.

Saturn Retrograde in Capricorn Ends October 23

Saturn is the cardinal earth sign of Capricorn which rules mountains, career, social status and reputation. It also is the fixed air sign Aquarius which rules doldrums, culture, groups and tribe. Saturn’s rings like to limit, restrict and constrict things like the vertical relationships in society and the horizontal relationships in culture and countries.

Retrograde just means 2 things:

  1.  Saturn is the closest to the earth out of his entire orbit and will be super strong. He is on your couch watching Netflix, in your fridge eating straight out of your Ben & Jerrys “Cherry Garcia” ice cream.  He is in town and is going TO LET YOU KNOW IT!

  2. Retrograde just means “one step back” not “two steps forward”.  So whatever project, person etc. began around August 21 is about to be delayed and reassessed.

When a planet stops retrograding and goes “direct” it is now 2 steps forward instead of 1 step back. Momentum will resume in the area of life that Capricorn rules.

The feeling of this momentum will begin happening about a week before since Saturn is a big slow planet, it can take more time for its effects to be felt. But overall this is a REALLY GOOD THING! See how the limits Saturn retrograde put on your life since June were just their to focus you and help build your foundation for your next hike up the mountain.

Solar Eclipse October 25 in Libra: Peace, harmony and contracts will break down

An eclipse is like a starting gun at a race that initiates the new cycle for that sign. Since Ketu (the anti-wish planet of suck) is in Libra this will be a de-evolution cycle where peace, diplomacy and contracts will break down over the world until November 2023 when the cycle ends. Make sure you stay close with your blood brothers and blood sisters (literal or figurative) during this time and stay away from shallow, airy people.

I am not excited to say this but this is not a time for rose buds but rose thorns. Really, might will make right, the golden rule of those who have the gold make the rule will be trending during this time. Seriously, band together with your warrior brothers and sisters, train, get and get strong because wars between countries and in our interpersonal lives will only be getting more intense during this time.

@makeluvwithastrology Solar eclipse oct 25, solar eclipse scorpio, solar eclipse spiritual, solar eclipse conspiracy, solar eclipse astrology, solar eclipse manifesting, what does solar eclipse mean in astrology, how does solar eclipse effect astrology, what is an eclipse astrology #horoscope predictions by #zodiacsign #vedicastrology #siderealzodiac #astrologytok #astrologyobservations #astrologyobservation #astroobservation #scorpio #sagittarius #leo #pisces #aries #libra #capricorn #cancer #virgo #taurus #gemini #aquarius ♬ Blade Runner 2049 - Synthwave Goose

November 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign


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