November 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign

Please note I am referring to the Vedic Astrology, sidereal zodiac that astronomers use which FEELS MORE ACCURATE than western astrology. Astronomers have to be accurate or their satellites will blow up. Your TRUE zodiac sign is actually 24 degrees back to the previous zodiac sign than on the western zodiac. Don’t know your Vedic chart? Sign up for a FREE Vedic Astrology Reading and I’ll do it for you!

This November is all about the explosive lunar eclipse in Aries on Nov 8th.  An eclipse is like a starting gun at a race that initiates the new cycle for that sign.  Since Rahu(the wish addicted, coc*ine line snorting, genie planet of manifestation) is in Aries this will be an evolution cycle where war, action our bodies will break up over the world.  Imagine a red bull drinking, steroid injecting jock becoming the prom king and most popular kid in school  Make sure you stay close with your blood brothers and blood sisters (literal or figurative) during this time and stay away from shallow, airy people.  BLOOD NOT BIRDS!


Lunar Eclipse November 8: BLOOD NOT BIRDS!

I cannot emphasize how important this Lunar eclipse is and what is about to happen to our world.  ONLY FOCUS ON BLOOD BROTHERS AND SISTERS i.e. THOSE WHO WILL BLEED FOR YOU.  IGNORE BIRDS WHO WILL LEAVE YOU WHEN THINGS GET TOUGH.

To clarify this full moon is in Aries which rules war, strength, power, movement, masculinity, blood and our bodies. Rahu, the wish addicted genie is in Aries from April 2022 until November 2023.  Rahu has  the magic power to make any sign the strongest, most popular sign in the zodiac for 1.5 years.  But to do that, the sacrifice is that he sucks 100% of the lifeforce from the opposing sign which is Libra which rules peace, diplomacy, femininity, skin, style and relationships.

So in your life, whatever house Aries rules (from your rising sign, see below chart) is about to get powerful AF and become the prom king of the zodiac.  But the sacrifice is to make the opposite house that Libra rules a weak puny nerd who can’t get a date.

This is happening globally as well where men, war and strength will become “popular”.  Contracts and friendships will be broken. Naive and innocent women will be suffering around the world.  Things will be getting very, very difficult for naive, airy people who don’t know how to “fight” for themselves.  Those who are all roses and no thorns may not survive.

There are other factors concerning Mars which will literally turn up the heat. Imagine a wild wolf, starved, injected with steroids, kicked in the nuts and let loose on the world of sheep.  I am not sorry to be so blunt; I am simply an astrological weatherman.

For our relationships it’s important to ask ourselves; will this person fight for me?  Will they die for me?  Will they fly away like a pigeon when I need them the most?  Only cultivate relationships with those who emBODY this warrior spirit (including women who practice conscious menstruation and menstrual magic) and stay away from airy, flighty, social media addicted people who are on their cell phones and in their heads all the time.

As an Aries rising this wish cycle and full moon is literally all about me. I am the most powerful and most popular kid at school. I am feeling empowered and super strong during this time which is why I have been stepping up in my leadership roles in my online and IRL communities. I am honored and humbled by this responsibility and promise I will do everything possible to keep you spiritually and physically safe during this time.

A Lunar eclipse has the strength of 3 full moons and marks the beginning of a new 6 month wish granting cycle in its sign and area of life (house) that it rules.  Imagine it like a wish cycle solstice or equinox- it marks the beginning of a new astro season. 

It marks the death of the old season and the birth of the new; there is no going back.  It is also a cosmic pothole. Anytime a planet transits or aspects that spot it will cause an event.

Every new moon a seed is planted in a sign that will fruit and bloom 2 weeks later during the Full Moon in another sign. Imagine a sunflower seed being planted during the new moon that then blossoms into something quite unexpected on the Full Moon; a fragrant rose blossom!

This is one of my favorite astrological cycles to predict because it is so short (only 2 weeks) and the full moon results always seem different yet related to our new moon's intentions. Reading the rising sign horoscopes below and embodying their energies is like fertilizer for new moon wish-making; let’s harvest some juicy wishes!

So look at what house Aries rules and focus that energy of war, strength, power, movement, masculinity, blood and our bodies in that house.  Take care because this wish cycle will last the next 6 months!

@makeluvwithastrology Full moon November 2022 November full moon recipe full moon November manifestation November full moon witchtok full moon November November 8 full moon #fullmoon lunar eclipse, lunar eclipse november 2022, lunar eclipse spiritual, lunar eclipse november 8 2022, lunar eclipse astrology, lunar eclipse effects, lunar eclipse ritual, lunar eclipse scorpio, eclipse season, eclipse is in 2022, eclipse season October, eclipse season November #lunareclipse #lunareclipse2022 ♬ Blade Runner 2049 - Synthwave Goose

Venus in Scorpio November 12-December 6: Money in power

Venus rules Taurus the feminine fixed earth (farms) sign of wealth, pleasure and fertility and Libra, the masucline cardinal air (tradewinds) sign of harmony, relationships and contracts. Scorpio is ruled by Mars and is fixed water (swamps) which rules emotional and internal power, pain into pleasure, shadow, trauma, other people's money, lotus from mud, psychic stuff. Basically, expect to be finding pleasure in some really dark ways.

Mars back in Taurus November 13-January 13: Fight for fertility

I can’t express how powerful Mars is right now.  To re-quote my lunar eclipse section above.

There are other factors concerning Mars which will literally turn up the heat. Imagine a wild wolf, starved, injected with steroids, kicked in the nuts and let loose on the world of sheep.  I am not sorry to be so blunt; I am simply an astrological weatherman..”

This is all happening in Taurus, the feminine fixed earth (farms) sign of wealth, pleasure and fertility. So war over resources, fighting over money and pleasure.

The 3 factors are:

  1. Mars is retrograde which means it is close to the earth and extremely powerful.

  2. Rahu is in Aries ruled by Mars which is like gasoline on the fire.

  3. Mars declination is “out-of-bounds”.  Imagine the horizontal orbits of the planets and the Sun is the King keeping everybody in line.  Mars is way outside (vertical) his normal orbit and is saying “F#K YOU KING”!

This is an important time to make connections with local food sources and farmers, watch how you spend your money and LEARN HOW TO BARTER AND TRADE!

@makeluvwithastrology mars retrograde 2022, mars retrograde october 2022, mars retrograde in gemini, mars retrograde birth chart, mars retrograde, mars retrograde meaning, mars retrograde 2022 affected signs, mars retrograde effects #marsretrograde #marsretrogradeingemini #marsretrograde2022 #horoscope predictions by #zodiacsign #vedicastrology #siderealzodiac #astrologytok #astrologyobservations #astrologyobservation #astroobservation #scorpio #sagittarius #leo #pisces #aries #libra #capricorn #cancer #virgo #taurus #gemini #aquarius ♬ Blade Runner 2049 - Synthwave Goose

Sun in Scorpio November 16-December 16: Shine your shadow 

The Sun (MY KING!) is my favorite planet and rules the fixed fire sign of Leo which rules birth, creativity, time, baking in the oven, children, investing, gold.  It is our planet of expressions and where our light shines. Scorpio is ruled by Mars and is fixed water (swamps) which rules death/rebirth, emotional and internal power, pain into pleasure, shadow, trauma, other people's money, lotus from mud, psychic stuff. 

Globally and in our personal charts we will see the dark side of life and power being expressed and supported by the media throughout the world. Things that normally get hidden like power mind games, sex, death, will be talked about and shown more.  Turn that trash into treasure everyone!!

Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces Ends November 23: We can finally LET GO!


Remember how slow everything has been moving the past 5 months?  How limited we felt?  That was because a butt load of planets were retrograde (the astro brakes were on).  Jupiter is one of the last ones finally going direct which trust me, is AWESOME!!!!

Jupiter rules the masculine, changeable fire (alchemy) sign Sagittarius which rules life, evolution, divine true love, nature, knowledge, story telling, luck, adventure and dancing with the hips. It also rules Pisces, the feminine changeable water (oceans, clouds, sky) sign of surrender, loss, letting go, dreams, charity, fantasy, feet and sacred sexuality.

It has been retrograde since July 28 and has personally been hell for me where I feel like I have been losing my mind. THANK GOD THIS IS ENDING so I can move forward with my life.  

You should be feeling like you can finally “let go” of whatever problems have been plaguing you and the house that it rules.

New Moon in Scorpio November 23: Plant the seed of your Shadow

Every new moon a seed is planted in a sign that will fruit and bloom 2 weeks later during the Full Moon in another sign. Imagine a sunflower seed being planted during the new moon that then blossoms into something quite unexpected on the Full Moon; a fragrant rose blossom!

Scorpio is ruled by Mars and is fixed water (swamps) which rules emotional and internal power, pain into pleasure, shadow, trauma, other people's money, lotus from mud, psychic stuff.

This is one of my favorite astrological cycles to predict because it is so short (only 2 weeks) and the full moon results always seem different yet related to our new moon's intentions. Reading the rising sign horoscopes below and embodying their energies is like fertilizer for new moon wish-making; let’s harvest some juicy wishes!

So look at what house Scorpio rules and focus that energy of death/rebirth, darkness, pain into pleasure and spiritual transformation in that house.  Then when the full moon comes around in Taurus focus the energy of wealth, pleasure, fertility in that area of life house.  It will come true I promise!


December 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign


October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign