The 12 Stories of Astrology and Life

Confident Astrologer Course Launching October 2nd!

If you are a beginning to intermediate astrologer who's tired of learning astrology through free YouTube videos and complex online courses that leave you feeling overwhelmed and too afraid of making mistakes to read charts for clients, then this course is  for you.

Under my guided mentorship. I'll be transforming a community of astrologers into confident astrologers who have mastered the basics with step-by-step guaranteed methods to always be right, so we can all relax and have fun reading charts for clients while making an income.

Once the 10 spots fill up I will not be opening up enrollment again for another 3 months and it will be DOUBLE the price so if you love astrology and are ready to become a Confident Astrologer, book a zoom call with me NOW!

“Astrology’s roots are not in the stars, but the Earth and her divine laws of nature.”


About 50,000 years ago in the frozen tundra of what is now known as New York City, the first astrologers Mr. and Mrs. Neanderthal were discussing the evening's dinner preparations; their favorite dish mastodon stew with a side of tubers. Translated for those who do not speak Neanderthal.

Mrs. N: Good evening dear cave husband.  I am delighted to prepare your favorite meal, grass fed, wild caught mastodon stew made with fresh tusk broth and a side of tubers.  And to wash it all down, your favorite mead with wild honey.

Mr. N: Darling cave wife, you make me so happy.  It smells delicious!  Is there anything I can do to help you prepare this feast?

Mrs. N: Thank you for asking; yes, in fact, you can.  Do you mind fetching me some water for the stew?

Mr. N: Of course my love.  I will be right back.

Mr. Neanderthal walks to the nearest swamp and comes back with a mastodon hide filled with putrid, rotting swamp water.

Mr. N: I’ve returned my love with the water you requested.

Mrs. N:  (Wrinkling her nose in disgust) What is this horrible smell, husband?  It smells worse than that time our pet sabertooth tiger rolled around in that rotting ground sloth carcass.

Mr. N: Didn’t you ask for water my sweetie?

Mrs. N: Not that kind of water! It is fixed and not moving which makes it filled with death like a scorpion.  That is only fit for compost.  Please fetch me the right kind of water.

Mr. N: Yes, my honeybee.  I apologize; I will be right back.

Mr. Neanderthal walks outside, looks at the sky and sees several beautiful white puffy clouds.  Excited, he runs back inside.

Mr. N: Look up Mrs. N!  How fortunate that I did not have to go far to find the water.  Now if I can only find a way to reach those clouds…

Mrs. N: (Feeling very annoyed) Are you serious Mr. N? That water is mutable and always changing. It cannot be touched and put in stew just like the dreams we have or the heavenly ocean our souls go to when we die.  This is the last time I will ask you.  Please fetch me the right kind of water!

Now getting seriously worried about the strength of their marriage, Mr. N frantically runs out in search of the “right kind of water”.  After desperately wandering for a few hours he comes upon a river.  Filling his gourd jug with the water he hurries back home.

Mr. N: (Bursting through the saber tooth tiger door flap to their cave) My love, I have proudly returned with the water you seek!

Mrs. N: (Dubiously uncorking the gourd jug and tasting it)  My love, you have done it; this is the “right kind of water”!  This river water is cardinal and moving which makes it fresh, healing as well as nourishing.  Just like the mother’s milk from my breasts this water is a sign of the unconditional love and emotions I feel for you.  Well done.

Mr. N and Mrs. N passionately embrace.  


Although humorous, this true story (I swear) illustrates the most basic and overlooked concept about astrology.  It was not invented by the Babylonians or Indians and it was not invented by looking at the stars.  It was invented by cave people studying the nature around them for one reason only - to survive and not die!  By taking the infinite recipe of life and grouping it into 12 separate ingredients of nature (the signs), early man and woman were able to make sense of the chaos of their existence and create a system of knowledge to pass down to their ancestors and continue their DNA.  But how were these environmental ingredients classified?

The first secret of the zodiac are the 3 modes

As we can see in the above example, there is not just one type of water in nature but three.  Just as we have 3 options when we pull up at a traffic light: green (go), red (stop), yellow (change) early humans realized that everything on our planet was filled with one of these predominant energies and if they were not worshiped and understood, death would quickly result.  How many early cave hunters unfortunately learned the hard way the important difference between a saber tooth tiger that was asleep or dead (fixed), alive and charging at them (cardinal) or changing from being awake to going asleep (mutable)?

This concept of this holy trinity of life energies is the first secret of the construction of the zodiac.  It is so ancient that it goes back trillions of years to the birthing of the universe with the creation of the 3 phases of matter: solid (fixed), liquid (cardinal) and gas (mutable).  Later, with the invention of culture, it could be translated into other symbols of the trinity such as Brahma the Creator (cardinal) Vishnu the Preserver (fixed), and Shiva the Destroyer (mutable); the colors white (cardinal), black (fixed) and gray (mutable) and the ice cream flavors vanilla (cardinal), chocolate (fixed) and my favorite Ben and Jerry’s Ice Cream flavor Chunky Monkey (mutable).  Okay…the ice cream example may not be perfect but I was a health chef for 18 years and love my food analogies!

While the 3 modes are the first secret of the zodiac, they are not enough to create and sustain life. That is why the second secret of the zodiac is where our current reality begins to crystallize.

The second secret of the zodiac are the 4 elements

Early humans realized that the dangerous world around them was composed of the 4 elements: fire, earth, air and water.  Each element had a specific personality and it was the wise caveperson who could learn how to harness these powers and it was the foolish and dead caveperson who could not.  The attributes of these elements are simple:

Fire is Hot and represents Dharma, path, passion, and purpose.  The need to hunt a mammoth.

Earth is Solid and represents Artha and resources.  The physical things such as food, clothes and weapons to allow the hunt to happen.

Air is Invisible and represents Kama, our relationships, thoughts, and desires.  The friends to help the hunt, the family at home to prepare the meal, and all the planning and strategy involved.

Water is Wet and represents moksha, healing and endings.  After the mastodon was killed, the hunt would be “washed away” and ended by bringing the meat back home, cooking it, and preparing for the next hunt.

The trick was (as we learned in the story) not all water is the same and knowing this difference was a matter of life and death.

With the 3 modes now combined with the 4 elements, we have all of the 12 ingredients to create the recipe of life.  This infinite, incomprehensible reality now has a very finite and clear map divided into 12 separate sections or “signs” that are based on the laws of nature and so easy to understand that even a child who understands the difference between a river and swamp can utilize it to thrive.

Eighteen years of studying, meditating, and applying the principles of Jyotish to my daily life has unequivocally proven to me the roots of astrology are embedded not in the stars but the earth and the root of the zodiac signs are not based in the minds of the gurus but implanted deeply in the myriad of beautiful aspects of nature whose personalities they represent.  I feel this knowledge was divinely offered to me by God and from the depths of my heart, I sincerely hope you find it useful in your astrology practices. 

Note:  My favorite method of sharing this information with my clients is by embodying their nature aspect with their rising sign which rules their body and the desires of the body. 

For example, “Your rising sign is Cancer ruled by the moon and cardinal water that moves such as rivers, streams, waterfalls and rain.  You are a River Fairy who allows all emotions to flow through you uninterrupted.  A Rain Goddess whose tears nurture while they cleanse away pain.  A Mama Bear who is sweet and gentle, but watch out for the claws and unstoppable flood of emotions when someone messes with your baby cub!

I have found by empowering my clients with their archetypal ancient story, it gives them hope that their existence has meaning and they are not “wrong” or “bad”.  Plus it is really fun to feel like a Hollywood movie director who treats my clients like an actor by offering them a part their birth chart designs them to play.  Feel free to contact me at my website or through and share your stories of how this technique works (or doesn’t) in your practice.  I LOVE to hear from my fellow astrology nerds :)

The 12 signs of the zodiac and their relation to aspects of nature

Note: The descriptions of the 12 signs can be used interchangeably with the houses as well.  1st sign Aries related to the 1st house, 6th sign Virgo related to 6th house, etc.


Element: Fire

Mode: Cardinal

Aim of Life: Dharma

Nature: Sparks, wildfires 

Aries is the fire that moves, the flame that creates.  To start a fire, we need a spark to get it started (sparked) and once it gets going, watch out because with enough fuel it can quickly rage out of control and burn everything in its path. As the 1st sign, it is the first to do things with the phallic number “1” representing the sword, arrow and lingam. Aries rules people who are good at creating the path.  Doers and initiators who begin the mission, such as those in the military, motivators get our bodies hot and moving, such as personal trainers and those in fitness.  Aries rules the face which is the 1st way we recognize a person and is the part of our body we use like a hunter to  turn toward what interests us.


Element: Earth

Mode: Fixed

Aim of Life: Artha

Nature: Fertile, flat farmland

Taurus is the earth that is fixed, flat and fertile which makes it perfect for farming and creating wealth. We cannot farm on the treacherous side of a mountain (Capricorn) or under the cover of trees in a forest (Virgo).  The earth must be empty and fertile, awaiting the seed of prosperity. Wealth is anything beautiful, stable, and earthly that pleases our 5 senses.  Fragrant smells that please our nose, soft caresses that please our skin, aesthetic sights which please our eyes, scrumptious tastes that please our mouths and harmonious sounds which please our ears.  Taurus rules all things money and wealth related and those who “fix” and maintain the earth like farmers, miners, artists, doulas, and those who work in finance and fertility related fields.


Element: Air

Mode: Mutable

Aim of Life: Kama

Nature: Storms, hurricanes

Gemini is the air that changes which rules all the winds that create chaos, change and distracts our desires.  When we are in a storm we cannot stay on our Dharma (path) because the wind is constantly changing; left, right, up, down, stops and starts. This is why it is opposite the highest Dharma house of Sagittarius because it literally blows us off our path.  The only solution to deal with a storm is to remain calm like the eye of the storm and wait for it to blow over.  Gemini rules all those lovely little devices that change or distract our thoughts and desires such as cell phones, computers, TV  and funny cat videos on Youtube.  Also, people who are good at distracting others and gaining their attention with interesting, curious ideas and thoughts, such as newscasters, social media influencers. Related to the arms and the hands, it rules those who are good at changing and destroying relationships, such as fighters, arguers, and liars.


Element: Water

Mode: Cardinal

Aim of Life: Moksha

Nature: River, streams, waterfalls, rain

Cancer is the water that moves and rules all running waters that cleanse while healing us.  When water is flowing, it is fresh, clean and able to nourish life which is why rivers and rain make the perfect drinking water for crops and humans to remove toxins while revitalizing the cells of our bodies. Cancer is ruled by the moon that teaches us with its new face every night to freely allow the myriad of watery emotions to flow through us like a river.  Don’t hold onto feelings of anger, sadness, or even joy like the swampy, fixed, water sign of Scorpio; just go with the flow!  Cancer rules all the nourishing and healing parts of our life such as pillows, whispers, thank you cards, the breasts which provide the milk of the mother and tears that wash away pain. Running water can easily become an unstoppable flood with a mama bear who is sweet and gentle. But watch out for the claws and deluge of emotions when someone messes with her baby cub! Cancer rules people who are maternal, nurture and reflect (like the moon) for a living, such as mothers, birth workers, counselors, gardeners, actors, and those who protect “mother” earth.


Element: Fire

Mode: Fixed

Aim of Life: Dharma

Nature: Sun, coals, ovens

Leo is the fire that is fixed and does not move so everything must move around it. After the initial spark and raging bonfire of Aries, next comes the tamer, more docile coals to maintain the warmth. Leo rules time because it is the Sun which creates our time and calendar.  We get up when the Sun rises and go to bed when it sets. Just like a King who commands us, we all rely on the timing and light of the sun to survive. Suns are giant chemical factories who birth every element in the universe. But do these stars then chase after all these elements and force them to turn into planets, moons and asteroids?  No, Suns remain fixed and wait. In time, the appropriate elements will come back and revolve in their perfect orbits while those that do not want its light will slingshot back into outer space. 

When we need to cook a pie, do we use the Aries’ furious fire of a stove top?  No, we use the consistent fixed fire of an oven that can maintain an even temperature.  When is the pie done? It is not up to us but only when it is the right time.  That is why Leo rules investing, birthing, and creating in all forms and this entails a degree of speculation because we do not always know when a creation will be ready or what it will look like, but if it is made with love and light it will be beautiful.  As the Sun is the center of our solar system, our spine is the vertical center of our body, the solar plexus is the horizontal center and our heart is the circulatory center.  By not moving, it allows the rest of our body to move around it.


Element: Earth

Mode: Mutable

Aim of Life: Artha

Nature: Forests, quicksand

Virgo is the earth that changes and is in a constant process of being transformed.  In a forest, the trees and plants are nourished to metamorphose the earth into twigs, roots, leaves, berries and medicinal compounds.  Then they die and convert back to earth only to be transmuted again.  Virgo rules humans who need to change earth.   Just as Taurus rules the earth that maintains our bodies, such as fruit, dairy, veggies, and meat, Virgo rules the plants and animals that change our bodies which is why the medicinal herbs are always found in the woods. Our intestines (ruled by Virgo) are the organs which process our foods into the macro and micro nutrients that become our bodies. It rules people such as the mechanic who fixes our cars, the doctors who fix our bodies, the artisan who changes gold into jewelry, the scientist who innovates the old into the new, the divorce lawyer who separates a married couple's fortune, a chef who cuts up food.  It is the quicksand of debt, service, and slaverly where the more we struggle the more entrenched we become.


Element: Air

Mode: Cardinal

Aim of Life: Kama

Nature: Tradewind

Libra is the air that moves and creates its Aim of life Kama which rules desires and relationships.  What better way to signify this energy than a smooth harmonious tradewind that consistently and persistently blows on a ship's sails in one direction so it can create new relationships and do business? A storm would tear this ship's sails apart and scatter it across the ocean, but this steady tradewind is harmonious just like Libra’s ruler Venus and it allows the wise captain to harness its power to sell its cargo.  This sign rules those with a career in sales, contracts, fashion and music.  These are people who must be beautiful and harmonious to inspire others to create a relationship with them.  It is the ability for one instrument to play a note to balance another.  Not the stormy disharmony Gemini loves to express!  Libra rules the skin, outer skin (clothes) and the fabric that ships' sails are made of.


Element: Water

Mode: Fixed

Aim of Life: Moksha

Nature: Swamp, ice, volcano, thunderstorm, pressure

Scorpio is the water that is fixed which builds pressure and power that can explode.  If channeled properly, this energy can produce immense strength for the enlightened weilder but can literally blow up like a bomb for those who are thoughtless.  When water is fixed in the ground, it ferments to become a swamp that is filled with death.  But this death can, in fact, be viewed as compost which (as the opposite of fertile farmland Taurus) can be farmed to create bountiful life like the lotus from the mud, the phoenix from the ashes, the treasure in the tomb.  These all signify the oft misunderstood gifts of this shadowy sign.  Any liquid that is fixed may build up pressure; the delayed action of this feminine version of Mars: the magma in a volcano, the force behind a geyser, the electromagnetic energy that builds before a lighting strike.  Even the waste that is fixed and held in our bladder and intestines must be periodically released.  Pressure is dark, invisible, and must be “felt” and cannot be seen which is why it rules the power of the mind, emotional manipulation, and coercion. Psychologists, sex workers, death industry, magic and humans who deal with liquids fixed in containers such as alcohol are some of the people who are ruled by this murky energy.


Element: Fire

Mode: Mutable

Aim of Life: Dharma

Nature: Alchemy, Fire of Life

Sagittarius is the fire that changes and transforms base matter in nature that no longer is useful and advances it to a higher level of evolution.  The fire of Aries and Leo both have warmth and movement, yet are not alive.  Life animates and has heat and it is the centaur of Sagittarius that rules this flame of life.  Sagittarius is the alchemy of the philosopher’s stone that turns lead into gold, a caterpillar into a butterfly, and extinguishes the dodo, and uses its compost to create new life.  As a Dharma sign, it rules our path and our ability to change our path just as our hips physically must twist and turn for us to change  direction.  People who inspire us to alter our course, such as teachers, preachers, advisors, sherpas and shepherds are governed by this evolutionary energy of nature.  One candle can light a million with this highest form of dharma which also rules the hips that love dancing!


Element: Earth

Mode: Cardinal

Aim of Life: Artha

Nature: Mountains, buildings

Capricorn is the earth that moves.  Earth cannot move down, left or right..  The only place earth can move is where there is space, which is up.  This is why this sign creates and moves mountains whether of stone or glass or steel.  To literally move earth (products and services) one must create a business composed of vertical relationships that work together to create Iphones, Tesla cars, and that delicious gluten-free quinoa salad with green goddess dressing at the Whole Foods hot bar.  A figurative mountain, a skyscraper or corporation has those with experience and responsibility residing in the penthouse suite at the top as the CEO and those with less accountability, such as hourly employees and janitors at the bottom or basement.  Capricorn rules the energy of mountains, career, social status, all of the hard, risky, and miserable parts of life that are unpleasant at the bottom of the beginning but ultimately satisfied the closer we get to the top. Preparing to climb Mt. Everest is far different than preparing to go to a beach in Barbados!  Summiting a mountain of social status can take decades to scale the peak but can literally take days to fall from grace and crash down to the bottom as Bill Cosby and Harvey Weinstein can attest. In the royal kingdom of the zodiac, Capricorns are the nobles seeking title and lands and to ascend the peaks of society to become Kings of their own mountains.


Element: Air

Mode: Fixed

Aim of Life: Kama

Nature: Sky, Firmament, Doldrums

Aquarius is the air that does not move, the wind that does not blow which are the sky and firmament which hold us together and doldrums.  Imagine a group of ships sitting together in a harbor.  If the wind does not blow, there is no beautiful tradewind such as Libra to separate them to create new relationships, so what happens to their existing relationships?  They become stronger and more stable, which is why this sign rules the invisible connections of culture, tradition, tribes, teams and organizations that keep groups together.  In Hawaii, it is the spirit of Aloha, the starchy tuber food poi, the music of the slack key guitar, the sport of surfing, pidgin language, and the imu ceremony of luau. The strength of the pack is the wolf and the strength of the wolf is the pack.  It is that person at the party who may not be pretty or exciting but they are there early to help set up tables and stay late to help clean up after.  The Saturnian blue collar worker (Saturn rules the color blue) that is opposite the center of attention CEO Sun.  It is the faceless crowd at a Lady Gaga concert. These cultural aspects are the rings of Saturn that seperate all the social circles of life.


Element: Water

Mode: Mutable

Aim of Life: Moksha

Nature: Ocean, sky, clouds, mist, fog, space, cosmos, void

Pisces is the water that changes and rules all of the ephemeral dreamy aspects of our life.  The nature of clouds is to change; puffy, thin, rain, snow, hail, mist and fog.  The ocean may be flat one hour and have giant waves the next.  Water that changes is big and always expanding like it’s lord Jupiter that rules the void that is the sky and cosmic space.  The energy of oneness is dominant in this sign.  Have you ever tried to guess how many different clouds, oceans or spaces there are in the world?  There is truly only one, which is why Pisces ends the zodiac and our lives where we lose our material possessions and relationships when we recycle our body back to the earth and our soul becomes one with God once again.  It is opposite the forest sign Virgo which is filled with details and things to fix. With Pisces there is nothing to fix because there is no difference, everything is unified. Illusions, dreams, fantasies are all parts of our lives which are as transitory and fugacious as wispy clouds in the heavens. Those that seek to be one with the world and are “lost in the clouds”, such as dreamers, visionaries, caregivers,

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October 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign


September 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign