August 2023 Vedic Astrology Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign

Big Mahalo to Elizabeth Weihmiller for the transits. One of my favorite astrologers.

Poorly transcribed by AI

Please note I am referring to the Vedic Astrology, sidereal zodiac that astronomers use which FEELS MORE ACCURATE than western astrology. Astronomers have to be accurate or their satellites will blow up. Your TRUE zodiac sign is actually 24 degrees back to the previous zodiac sign than on the western zodiac. All predictions are BASED ON YOUR RISING SIGN. Don’t know your Vedic chart? Sign up for a FREE Vedic Astrology Reading and I’ll do it for you!

August is here. And are you getting ready for a cosmic calamity of chaos? It's not gonna be that bad, but it's gonna be a little crazy. I'm Romanesco. And if you make love with astrology like I do, give me a follow and let's get to it. 

Alright, everybody. I'm very excited to give my August predictions today. And I'm excited to make it short. Remember, go to my blog for your specific predictions for your rising sign. I get very detailed, and I love my blog, I can add GIFS and get super funny. Well, the energy of this month of August is being out of control. Control. And yeah, there's a lot of out of control and drowning energy going on with Retrogrades with new moons ghandanta with Venus gandanta, so just prepare to be out of control. Watch other people get out of control and watch emotions to run high. A lot of floods of emotions, Floods, those emotions flow through you, like the ocean and cleanse you. The brake is on instead of the gas. Don't worry, it will pass. 

Okay, here we go. 

August 1 full moon in Capricorn: Build your mountain!

So first, August 1 is a Full Moon in Capricorn and everybody the full moon is where the wish seed that was planted on the new moon gets harvested and plucked in on the full moon. So depending upon your rising sign that'll tell you what wish fruit you'll harvest. It is in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. And Capricorn is earth that moves, that's mountains. If it's long, it's slow. If it's hard, if it feels like a marathon and we want to give up, it is Capricorn, the wind that takes time to become fine. So something you've been trying to build and achieve is going to fruit and going to endure, depending upon your rising sign. Go to my blog.

Okay, guys, we got about four or five things, so it's not going to take too long. I'm going to get right through it. 

August 4-8 Venus gandanta: Floods of emotions around relationships and money

Next is on August 4 through 8, Venus will be ghandanta and retrograde in Cancer and Ghandanta just means it feels like drowning. It feels out of control. Gandanta is where the water signs meet fire signs. And it's like this “Oh Shit” like just cosmic Hell of how are we going to survive this type of energy. So this is a time, we can expect a lot of emotions to be out of control. Depending upon where Cancer is, in your chart, check my blog from your rising sign. So it's time to let emotions flow. It doesn't mean to hold on to them. No, no, no. It means to let them flow whether they are happy, angry or sad. But just find someone who can hold you and make you help you not feel so bad or feel bad for having emotions. At this time, we can have more rain and more wacky weather. Venus rules relationships and assets and wealth. So money and relationships. We're gonna be out of control at this time. 

August 16 new moon in Cancer: Out of control emotions!

Next August 16 New Moon is in the zodiac sign of Cancer. But wasn't it in the zodiac sign of Cancer last time. Yes, this is a double New Moon in Cancer. And this one, like I said, is in gandanta at 29 degrees. So what this means is that this new moon is going to mark a whole new moon full moon cycle where we're gonna be feeling out of control. Again, a lot of out of control energy during this month. So again, the way we work things out of control, we let the flood flood through us wherever Cancer is from your rising sign that is where the wish seed will be planted to harvest on the full moon Cancer is about mommies and the power of softness. Thank You cards, pillows, home breast milk, oh yum, yum, all that yummy stuff. 

August 17-September 17 Sun in Leo: We who dies with the most fun wins!

Next August 17 through September 17. The sun the planet of fun, and children will be transiting through the zodiac sign of Leo wheeeee the king is in his castle. So this whole time the sun rules what we express and it's in Leo. So it's time to express creativity, express birth Express investment. This is time to study children and be with children and be like a child and be oh so wild because he or she who dies with the most fun wins. That is the mantra for August 17 through September 17.

 I gotta remember to breathe everybody. Breathe with me. Breathe with your brother Romanesco 

Alright, everybody, we only got about four more quick things to go through. 

August 18-October 4 Mars transits Virgo: Put energy towards healing

August 18 through October 4, Mars will be transiting in Virgo so this is all about health and healing and a lot of energy and momentum through that Virgo is a sign of the forest where all the medicinal herbs, the mushrooms, the fairies and the grandmother grow. So Mars is about where we put our passion and our energy. So this is the time to focus on healing focus on fixing yourself. Focus on improving ourselves and being of service whatever area of life Virgo rules in your chart from your rising sign go to my blog right now. I've got GIFS. 

August 3 Mercury retrograde shadow period begins in Leo: Confusion and delays around children and Hollywood

Next August 3, the Mercury Retrograde shadow period begins. Oh no. Oh yes Mercury Retrograde is here and it's destined to ruin whatever part of your life it's in so the shadow period, if where all the chaos will begin, but won’t start until the retrograde begins.

Mercury Retrograde is going to be in the zodiac sign of Leo. So whatever area of Leo is in your chart, from your rising sign, whatever house that is, on August 3, just pay attention to that area of your life and just know when Mercury Retrograde is happening in.

Leo rules things like Hollywood and children so expect more news about the “Sound of Freedom” video about child trafficking and dark secrets to be exposed. Also the Hollywood strikes will likely continue.

August 23-September 15 Mercury retrograde in Leo: Confusion and delays around children and Hollywood

Okay. August 23 until September 15 Mercury Retrograde will be happening in Leo. Quick explanation of Mercury Retrograde.. And what that means is Mercury is the planet of Gemini which is air that changes which is storms. Also, planet of Virgo, which is earth that changes which is forest which is medicine and fixing and health and healing. So when Mercury is retrograde it means two things. One, Mercury is incredibly close to the Earth and very powerful. He's on your couch eating your chunky monkey ice cream in your underwear watching Netflix. He's in your face and wants your attention.  Two is just one step back, not two steps forward. It's like we left a surfboard at home, you gotta go back before we go to the beach. So that's all it means it's time to change and fixings, whatever area of our life allele is. And it's going to be frickin really, really intense. And we just got to love it and got to accept it. Yay. 

August 30 full moon in Aquaruis: party with your tribe!

August 30, the full moon will be in Aquarius, which is all about the collective. It is earth that is fixed, which is a sky which has doldrums, its culture and its tribe. So what happens is whatever craziness and drowning and wild stuff having to do with a home and a power softness and mother and what we nurture and grow on the new moon inCancer, it's going to turn and fruit into a beautiful fruit related to culture and tribe and organization. So depending upon wherever the Aquarius is in your chart, that's a time you're going to find a lot of connection with a culture and community. So maybe it's your culture at work or culture at home or culture with friends. But just find the strength of the tribe party on that full moon. Like it's 1499 Everybody.

So that is the August Zodiac predictions. And just remember everybody, the way to handle things went out of control is not to hold on. It's like when a drunk driver is driving. They actually survive the accident more than the person who's not trying because they go with the flow. So let your emotions flow. Learn how to cry, learn how to express yourself and you need someone safe. Come to me. I'll help you express your emotions. I'll help you do that. 

Because I'm your brother of another mother who loves you like another mother on your Mr. From another sister. I'm a relation from another star constellation and I'm Romanesco and I've been doing Vedic Astrology for 18 years and if you make love with astrology like I do, give me a follow and let's be friends. Tata 


Mercury Retrograde Horoscope Predictions August 23-September 15


Get ANGRY at your ANGELS! Blessons: #1