June 2024 Astrology Horoscope Predictions

Aloha my wizards and my priestesses! I'm Romanesco and I'm here to do quickly and simply, with a lot of magic, give you your zodiac sign predictions, and transits for the month of June.

I'm looking for help from my market research project for my new astrology course called “Nature Astrology: More Hearts with Less Charts” where you can join me and my tribe of confident astrologers as we have fun and create magic with my effortless story based method. It's a 15 minute zoom call, and you'll help me birth the most magical course possible. Schedule time on my calendar HERE.

June Predictions

Now into the month of June. So the story for the month of June is that it is about fertility and pleasure for the first half of the month. That is because of two things. 

One, we've got that new moon on June 6, the roots are going deep before the fruits go sweet. And we're having a planetary party in Taurus with a stellium of planets around June 6 as well. 

To understand Taurus, it is a fixed earth sign in nature and where in nature do we find fixed flat earth? The plains and farms where we grow apples and pigs and sheep and mangoes, and we sustain ourselves. So this is a really good time for the first half of June, to ask yourself where am I finding pleasure? What am I fertilizing with my time, energy and money? Am I fertilizing weeds or fertilizing trees, we gotta sprout the seeds because we've got mouths to feed! 

It's very important to understand that fertility works in a special way. I give you 10 apple seeds, you give me 10 apple trees, that is 10,000 apples, please. Whatever we put our energy and time into, we get back more. Sometimes it can be weeds if we're not careful. So this is a really good time to focus on that. What type of yummy foods are we putting in our mouth? What type of beautiful art are we putting in our eyes, lovely music in our ears, lovely touches and massages on our skin and lovely hydrosol rose sprays in your nose. 

Depending upon your rising sign it'll show you what you will be fertilizing at this time. Because wherever Taurus is, whatever house it is in, are you going to be growing and fertilizing your career or your health or your wealth or your spirituality?

June 6 New Moon/Stellium in Taurus: Planetary Party of Bubble Baths and Swedish Foot Massages

the New Moon is on June 6. So for the couple of days leading up to that it's really important to focus our intention on what house that is in the new moon. The roots are growing deep to create a firm foundation for the fruits that go sweet six months later, when the moon is a full moon. So really again focus on that pleasure, fertility, energy and whatever house it is in from your Vedic Astrology from your sidereal rising sign. 

June 15 Gemini Season Begins: Get Your Silly Cat Videos Ready!

Next June 15 Gemini season officially begins with the sun entering Gemini.  The story of Gemini is CHANGE, iit is storms, it is silly cat videos on Tiktok. It is Fox and coyote energy. That is because in nature, Gemini is an air sign. But as the air that changes it is mutable, Shiva air, and the nature that is a storm. That is a hurricane. That is a typhoon that is a tornado and a dust devil. So this is a time all around the world, we're going to be seeking to change things to change our path. When we are stuck on a path. The only thing that can really help us change that is a storm. It goes left and right. And up and down. And when it's gone, if we are the eye of the storm, we have energy and see a whole new path open in front of us. 

So what are we trying to change for the rest of that next 30 days? What new skills are we trying to learn? Because it is related to the brain and our thoughts. It is air, it is fox and coyote energy. This is not checkers. This is chess. So depending upon where Gemini is, from your rising sign, your sidereal rising sign that will show where all this change and storm and new learning and new skills is going to happen in your chart. Health, wealth, love, whatever. 

June 21 Full Moon in Sagittarius: Ecstatic Dance Naked in Nature on 🍄 With Your Closest Pagan Friends

Next thing, we've got the Full Moon in Sagittarius on June 21. And this is freedom and adventure and dancing and life and time in nature. Sagittarius is a fire sign, but it's a fire that changes which means in nature, that is the fire of life, the fire of evolution and discovery and the alchemical fire. So what lead do you need to turn into gold? What pain do you need to turn into pleasure? What trash do you need to turn into treasure? You're given the shit. Now it's time to turn it into roses. Because the stinkier the poop, the sweeter the roses. 

So this is a really good time, on the few days leading up to that full moon, to put energy into what you're trying to evolve like a caterpillar into a butterfly, spend time in nature, go to an ecstatic dance, move those hips and do some spiritual shit related to whatever house this Full Moon is happening in Sagittarius from your sidereal rising sign, that is the key. And that is the intention and attention to put. 

June 29, 2024-January 31, 2025: Saturn Retrograde Begins, Time to Fire all Your Friends

And lastly, the biggest news coming up is from June 29 until January 31 of 2025 Saturn, the planet of noble people and mountains and the common blue collar worker and tribes and drunk karaoke parties will be going retrograde in the zodiac sign of Aquarius, which means that there's going to be a lot of delays and reevaluating on what type of friends do we have? What type of culture and social circles do we have? 

Saturn's been in Aquarius since January 18 of 2023. So it changed from Capricorn. Do you remember how we were all doing what everyone told us to do during that big pan dem ic? Whatever that people at the top are telling us to do? We were acting like lemmings. The power has come back to the people NOW! 

We've all been making new friends groups, making new communities and new cultures. But now it's time to really go back and look at that. How can we fix and heal and change and improve? What friends do we want to keep? What friends do we want to get rid of? These social circles are just like Saturn's rings and will be related to wherever Aquarius is, from our sidereal rising sign.

So do we have a social circle at work, social circle at home, social circle with our friends, social circle, with our creativity or spirituality, wherever that group of friends is, it's going to be a lot of reevaluation at that time. And that's going to be good because the wayRetrogrades work is we want to go surfing at the beach or driving. But we left that surfboard at home, we got to go back and pick it up before we can move forward. 

So how did you like all of these stories, my wizards and my priestesses?

Please comment on the YouTube video And let me know how does it feel this month of June? How are you experiencing these new moons and full moons and retrogrades? Your stories help me become a better wizard. 

If you want to support me:

Book an adventure with me, your wizard HERE. 

Learn more about my new astrology course “Natural Astrologer: More Hearts with Less Charts” and help me design it by participating in my 20 minute research survey.  It's really fun. HERE

And remember, I love you, I care about you. And if you ever need anything, I will do my best to respond. Because I love this stuff. I love being a wizard.


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