March 2023 Astrology Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign

Please note I am referring to the Vedic Astrology, sidereal zodiac that astronomers use which FEELS MORE ACCURATE than western astrology. Astronomers have to be accurate or their satellites will blow up. Your TRUE zodiac sign is actually 24 degrees back to the previous zodiac sign than on the western zodiac. Don’t know your Vedic chart? Sign up for a FREE Vedic Astrology Reading and I’ll do it for you!

So you are probably wondering why there was no February forecast and where the heck your brother Romanesco has wandered off to.  Here are the bullet points for last month:

  1. Parents were in town.  First time I saw them in nearly 3 years.  Ceremony.

  2. In the process of filing bankruptcy.  Ceremony.

  3. Moved houses 3 times. The last move I ESCAPED from a toxic, potentially dangerous situation.  Standard Kauai housing crisis story. Ceremony.

  4. Became homeless for a week. Living out of a car, sleeping in carports and in greenhouses gettin rained on.  Hunting for wi-fi, toilets and a place to plug in my heavy metal glaze free Vita Clay crock pot. Ceremony

  5. Fell in love with a Leo, started “dating” then stopped because healing our trauma is a priority.  Ceremony.

  6. Finally moved into a solar run, off the grid permaculture farm like I did in Puna on the Big I back in 2005 with no dirty electricity, EMF’s or mold. BEST CEREMONY EVER!

Yeah, I have been going through “it” but the stinkier the sh*t the sweeter the rose.  I have been stressed but I have faith and hope because I have the map of my life (astrology)  and know that I am in a surrender my stuff, homeless cycle until April 22, 2023 when Jupiter leaves Pisces.  I am losing material things but gaining blessings and lessons which will help me KEEP THE MONEY AND HEALTH next time I have a wealth cycle.

I now (again) value the simple things in life like toilet paper, hot showers and a dry place to sleep.  Living on solar teaches me HOW TO USE MY POWER which is helping me with conserving my personal power. Follow my journey on my Instagram stories.

Okay enough about me, you came here for your predictions so…


March 7 full moon in Leo: Harvest your Sun fruit

Every new moon a seed is planted in a sign that will fruit and bloom 2 weeks later during the Full Moon in another sign. Imagine a sunflower seed being planted during the new moon that then blossoms into something quite unexpected on the Full Moon; a fragrant rose blossom!

This full moon is shining brightly in Leo, the fire sign of creativity, meditation, birthing, children and silly fart jokes.  On March 7 all of these significations will be blossoming globally.  Expect social media and the media to be promoting lions, kings, politicians, children, creativity, arts.  Anything that is Alpha Male/Female, celebrity energy, Sun energy.  This wish will appear in the area of your life where Leo resides from your rising sign (see chart below).

This is one of my favorite astrological cycles to predict because it is so short (only 2 weeks) and the full moon results always seem different yet related to our new moon's intentions. Reading the rising sign horoscopes below and embodying their energies is like fertilizer for full moon wish-making; let’s harvest some juicy wishes!

March 11-April 5 Venus transits Aries: Pleasure your body

Honestly, I don’t care that much how this transit affects you because I selfishly am so stoked how great it is going to be for me, an Aries rising!  Woo-Wee I love me some Venus.  Venus rules the fertility, wealth sign of Taurus and the harmony, diplomacy sign of Libra while Aries is the God of war.  So expect more peace deals TRY to get passed (but ultimately fail) between countries at this time.  Expect countries to be trying to plunder the resources of others also.

Venus rules the skin and our second skin (fashion) so expect fashion to take a weird turn towards more masculine and military energy at this time.  Fire fashion comes to mind.

In our personal lives expect to be trying to make deals (business and romantic) with more masculine energies at this time that ultimately fail because the 1st law is the law of power.  Contracts will be broken by those who have more power. This will happen in the house areas of your life that Aries rules from your rising sign below.

March 12-May 9 Mars transits Gemini: Anger in the airwaves

Ever since Mars has been in Taurus we have seen the cost of goods and resources (Taurus) SKYROCKET!!!! Everything is more expensive and countries are fighting over land and treasure.  For me (Aries rising), I became obsessed with food and making Ulu/breadfruit pancakes, pumpkin pies and harvesting wild noni (I love you GW).

This is all about to change when Mars enters Gemini, the sign of social media, text messages, chaos, propaganda, fighting and platypuses.  On the world stage we will begin seeing levels of propaganda which we have never seen before.  Get ready to have your mind blown with the hate and anger about to happen in communications.  STOP WALLING PEOPLE WITH THOSE ANGRY STUPID TEXTS!

Social media and technology will be disrupted in ways that we never thought possible.  Imagine your Gmail accounts being globally shut down and things like that.  Also a lot more anger and energy towards bankers and bank robberies, and money robberies becoming more common.

March 14-April 14 Sun transits Pisces: Dream a little dream my king

The Sun (MY KING!) is my favorite planet and rules the fixed fire sign of Leo which rules the sun, birth, creativity, time, baking in the oven, children, investing, gold.  It is our planet of expressions and where our light shines. 

Pisces is ruled by the feminine form of Jupiter and is the water that changes; ocean, clouds and outer space. It is the last sign of the zodiac and rules the ending of things in our life like charity, hermitage, sitting in a cave while getting skinny and reaching nirvana.  Also, fantasy things like unicorns and hidden pleasures of the bed.

I expect alot of media and news to happen regarding the ocean, outer space as well as more people committing suicides. Maybe aliens?  Really, spiritual “bye bye” type of energy.  Letting go.  Pisces is the dark mother and infinite void that we all return too.  It is also where my Sun is so WISH ME A HAPPY 41ST BIRTHDAY MARCH 22!!!!

This will be a time where we will all uniquely express our own ways of surrendering and letting go in the world depending what house Pisces resides in from your rising sign.  See attached horoscope.

March 16-March 30 Mercury debilitated transit into Pisces: You can’t fight the dark mother

Mercury is debilitated in Pisces so all of that arguing, communication and trying to sell and screw people's energy does not do well in the void.  Imagine a banker trying to do business with a yogi meditating in a cave; real odd couple right?  The yogi doesn’t care for anything the banker has to offer so the banker is muy triste.

Mercury rules Gemini air that changes storm signs of ADD/ADHD people, social media and butterflies and the earth that changes forest sign of Virgo which rules servants, lawyers and nerdy scientists like Elon Musk.

Pisces is ruled by the feminine form of Jupiter and is the water that changes; ocean, clouds and outer space. It is the last sign of the zodiac and rules the ending of things in our life like charity, hermitage, sitting in a cave while getting skinny and reaching nirvana.  Also, fantasy things like unicorns and hidden pleasures of the bed.

This will be a time to really let go of that analytical, logical mind and let it wander to fantasy things like rainbow unicorns.  Check the horoscope below for where that energy will womanifest in your life.

March 21 Venus conjunct Rahu in Aries: Extreme pleasure

RIGHT ON MY BIRTHDAY MARCH 22 Venus the planet of money, beauty and food will be conjuncting with the cocaine, wish addicted genie demon of Rahu in Aries the fire that creates sign of sparks, bonfires, war and the body.  A country could really do a land or resource grab on another country around that day.  Like China invading Taiwan, etc.

In your personal charts this will be an important day to do something very hedonistic for yourself.  Spend a bunch of money, do a bunch of plant medicines, make a lot of love etc.  Have pleasure, have fun just don’t look at the credit card bill.  Check the horoscope below for where the party will happen in what house from your rising sign.

March 21 New Moon in Pisces: You must surrender something precious to make your wish come true

Every new moon a seed is planted in a sign that will fruit and bloom 2 weeks later during the Full Moon in another sign. Imagine a sunflower seed being planted during the new moon that then blossoms into something quite unexpected on the Full Moon; a fragrant rose blossom!

This is one of my favorite astrological cycles to predict because it is so short (only 2 weeks) and the full moon results always seem different yet related to our new moon's intentions. Reading the rising sign horoscopes below and embodying their energies is like fertilizer for new moon wish-making; let’s harvest some juicy wishes!

So look at what house PISCES rules and focus that wish energy of surrender, loss, charity, fantasy in that house. This is time to LET GO OF SOMETHING BECAUSE WE NEED AN OPEN HAND TO ACCEPT GOD’S XMAS PRESENT!  Then when the full moon comes around in VIRGO focus the energy of plant medicines, healing, massages, yoga, fixing things, self development and disharmony in that area of life house.  It will come true I promise!


April 2023 Astrology Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign


January 2023 Astrology Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign