January 2023 Astrology Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign

Please note I am referring to the Vedic Astrology, sidereal zodiac that astronomers use which FEELS MORE ACCURATE than western astrology. Astronomers have to be accurate or their satellites will blow up. Your TRUE zodiac sign is actually 24 degrees back to the previous zodiac sign than on the western zodiac. Don’t know your Vedic chart? Sign up for a FREE Vedic Astrology Reading and I’ll do it for you!

Whew-weee….from the dead, rotting, stinking corpse of 2022, 2023 is hopefully rising like a phoenix from the flames!  The more shit we have, the prettier the rose...at least that is what I am hoping for 2023.

Am I the only one who felt like they were “dying” that entire year?  I still am worried that I may not spiritualy or physically make it through January.  But my my friends and family like you, I know I can do it.


The 3 main things to look forward to (with joy not terror) this month is: 

  1. Mercury Retrograde ending in Sagittarius January 19th.  No more travel delays or scandals around father figures!

  2. Mars retrograde ending in Taurus January 13th.  This means war and momentum will be moving forward so may not be the best thing for those seeking for peace (okay I lied maybe a little bit of terror).  Good thing I am an Aries rising!

  3. Sun moving into Capricorn.  Time to climb that mountain and build up your busyness!

With all of this forward momentum resuming after the chaotic quagmire of 2022 don’t be left behind.  Focus on that heart muscle not mental hustle and surround yourself with those who love, support you and get BUSY!!

January 6 Full Moon in Gemini 1:07pm Hawaii Time: Platypuses are cool

FYI Platypuses are ruled by Gemini because they are interesting, weird and cool. They have the beak of a duck, the body of a beaver, the poison of a snake, the sonar of a dolphin and lay eggs like a bird.

Every new moon a seed is planted in a sign that will fruit and bloom 2 weeks later during the Full Moon in another sign. Imagine a sunflower seed being planted during the new moon that then blossoms into something quite unexpected on the Full Moon; a fragrant rose blossom!

This full moon is shining brightly in Gemini, the air sign of storms, communication and chaos.  On January 6th expect social media to explode with news, gossip around something very interesting and distracting.  I call Gemini butterfly hummingbird medicine because it is the sign of ADHD.  It can’t sit still and wants your attention!  It is fox and coyote medicine that wins with it’s cleverness, not it’s strength  This will be a great time to learn, communicate, fight and distract others in the area of your life in the sign below.  But be careful because distraction is destruction is debt is decay is devil is demon.  See a pattern?

This is one of my favorite astrological cycles to predict because it is so short (only 2 weeks) and the full moon results always seem different yet related to our new moon's intentions. Reading the rising sign horoscopes below and embodying their energies is like fertilizer for full moon wish-making; let’s harvest some juicy wishes!

January 13 Mars Retrograde in Taurus Ends: Fight for pleasure and wealth SHOOTS forward

Wow….as an Aries rising I cannot tell you how excited I have been for this retrograde to end.  Mars rules my body and when it is retrograde everything feels like it is going backward.  Put like pulling back on an arrow, when Mars goes direct I feel like I am shot out of a cannon!

This can be good for warriors but not for peacemakers.  Really, all those delays with the Ukraine/Russia war may finally be ending and the blood will stain the rivers red again even more.  Oh well…guess we need the fertilizer.

Get ready to feel the momentum resume in the house area of your life that Taurus rules and don’t touch those brakes for the rest of 2023!

January 14-February 12 Sun in Capricorn: Time to climb that mountain

The Sun (MY KING!) is my favorite planet and rules the fixed fire sign of Leo which rules birth, creativity, time, baking in the oven, children, investing, gold.  It is our planet of expressions and where our light shines. 

Capricorn is the mountain God and rules things that are long, slow, hard and feel like marathons such as career, social status and reputation.  This is a time to focus on expressing yourself by BUILDING things that will last.  Your business, your reputation in your community.  Feel how the Sphinx or mountains endure fot so long.

In the astrological kingdom Capricorn is the noble person who will cut their own mom’s throat to rise from Baron to Viscount to Earl to Marquess to Duke to King. This sign will suffer endlessly to get to the top. So watch out for those mountain climbers!

Globally we will see business and vertical social structures bounce back.  Those sh*tty leaders may come back for one last encore or we will see them kicked off the mountain by those from below.  But watch how there is a big focus on the haves and have nots at this time. The rich get richer but will the poor still get….children? Maybe they will finally be getting power instead..

January 18 Saturn Transits to Aquarius: Power to the people, your network is your net worth!

Did you notice since the big “C WORD” how much power our “leaders” have and how stupid and sheepish the people and the followers were. It was if anything that the government, CDC, Big Pharma and Facebook said was gobbled up by the sheeple quickly and without a second thought. That was because Saturn was in Capricorn which rules mountains and all the long, slow and hard things that go with it like social status, career and reputation. It empowered these vertical relationships that seperate a CEO from a janitor and a prince from a pauper. Well THANK GOD THAT MADNESS IS OVER because for the next 2.5 years Saturn is moving into the sign of horizontal relationships and social circles Aquarius which is the fixed air sign which rules doldrums, atmosphere and the culture, traditions and beliefs that make up social circles. The food, music ,clothes, the silly jokes that make a Mexican a Mexican, a Democrat a Democrat and a hippie a hippie. Yes, the power IS FINALLY COMING BACK TO THE PEOPLE. Expect everybody to be tribing up at this time. Forming tight new communities, parties and events.

I am really excited for this transit because there are so many amazing tribes here in Kauai and I see them working out their problems and getting strong. Whatever house Aquarius is in in your chart is where your greatest stability with community will be for the next 2.5 years so focus on than and remember to invite me to the party!

January 19 Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius Ends: No more airline delays!

I am lazy and just copy and pasting from last month’s blog.  But expect travel delays and scandals with father figures to end!

Do you remember that ADD, class clown kid in school who would piss off the teacher and disrupt the other students. Well he’s back!!!!!

Mercury is the god of Gemini which rules storms, social media, fiat currency and annoying things like bugs and cell phone notifications. Jupiter the god of Sagittarius, is the energy of justice, adventure, wizards, hero’s journey, spirituality, father and nature. Mercury is the student and Sagittarius is the teacher but keep reading because the student is now the teacher my young padawan.

Being retrograde means that he will be the most powerful god in the heavens and really throwing his ADHD weight around until he leaves.

Retrograde just means 2 things:

  1. Mercury is the closest to the earth out of his entire orbit and will be super strong. He is on your couch watching Netflix, in your fridge eating straight out of your Ben & Jerrys “Cherry Garcia” ice cream.  He is in town and is going TO LET YOU KNOW IT!

  2. Retrograde just means “one step back” not “two steps forward”.  So whatever project, person etc. began around August 21 is about to be delayed and reassessed.

When Mercury retrograde ends (goes direct) we are back into the 2 steps forward part of the cycle. So expect social media to explode with news about justice, nature, teachers, fathers and just running rampant around the classroom.  Stay calm and don’t get too distracted!!

January 21 New Moon in Capricorn: What do you want to build?

Every new moon a seed is planted in a sign that will fruit and bloom 2 weeks later during the Full Moon in another sign. Imagine a sunflower seed being planted during the new moon that then blossoms into something quite unexpected on the Full Moon; a fragrant rose blossom!

This is one of my favorite astrological cycles to predict because it is so short (only 2 weeks) and the full moon results always seem different yet related to our new moon's intentions. Reading the rising sign horoscopes below and embodying their energies is like fertilizer for new moon wish-making; let’s harvest some juicy wishes!

So look at what house Capricon rules and focus that energy of career, social status, reputation, marathon, suffering, long/slow/hard in that house.  Then when the full moon comes around in Cancer focus the energy of mother, home, soft things, babies, emotions that flow, milk in that area of life house.  It will come true I promise!





March 2023 Astrology Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign


December 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign