Astrology of Trump Shooting

Hello, my brothers and my sisters. This is Romanesco, your astrologer coming at you with a very, very important breaking update. 

So as you probably know, President Trump has been shot at an assassination attempt at his rally in Pennsylvania, and while whether astrology causes it or whether merely reflects it, we don't care. But what is the reason behind this? 

So for me, astrology is like a recipe. We combine all of these different ingredients, the planets, the houses, the signs, the fixed stars and other things. There are different things that can be cooked up. So I want to quickly share with you astrological reasons I see behind this, and then hope it is helpful and we can all learn. 

So as you can see from this chart here, I'm going to go over a few reasons why this assassination attempt happened. So one, Trump is a Leo rising in the sidereal zodiac, which is the real time skies that astronomers use. Obviously he's a king. Obviously he's ruled by the sun, right? He's orange. Do we need to argue about that? So what we want to look at is his 10th house. Because the 10th house is a house of career in public life. It is the mountain. It is being on a podium. What we see going on in his 10th house is very, very interesting. We see Mars in his 10th house. Mars rules Aries, this planet of warriors and hunters and blood, and Scorpio, the planet of death, and really secret bad stuff that is in his 10th house. 

Normally, that wouldn't be that big of a deal, but it is conjunct Uranus, which is a planet of unexpected societal changes, things that will affect society at large like earthquakes and the messed up cherry on top is they’re both conjunct the fixed star Algol. Algol is basically a fixed star, that's a very important star in mythology that rules misfortune, and is symbolized by Medusa, the Gorgon, the woman who had her head cut off because she has snakes in her hair, and she turns everyone to stone. It is an angry, intense star. 

So you've got Mars, you got Uranus, you got Algol, the fixed star of Medusa, the Gorgon sister, Snake headed woman, all conjunct together in his 10th house of career, and that is likely the reason I see why this attempt happened. Why, again, all of these ingredients coming together cooked up this recipe of assassination attempt. 

So I really hope that this blog was helpful. Again, I really don't enjoy talking about death with astrology, because it's kind of unethical, because we can always be wrong, but I always want to educate. Always want to share a story, and when we share our stories with each other, we both become better wizards. 

If you would like to support the work that I do, you can book a zoom birth chart adventure with me where we can go over your stories.

I'm launching my new astrology course, “The Confident Astrologer: More Heart Less Chart”.  Join my community of wizards as we have fun and learn the basics with my magical, simple story based method. I need to interview people for my course. It's an opinion market research survey, so you can tell me how to make the best course possible.


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