June 2022 New Moon Vedic Astrology Predictions

June 29th-July 13th: New moon in Gemini plants the seed of chaos that blossoms into the spiritual flower of Sagittarius

Every new moon a seed is planted in a sign that will fruit and bloom 2 weeks later during the Full Moon in another sign. Imagine a sunflower seed being planted during the new moon that then blossoms into something quite unexpected on the Full Moon; a fragrant rose blossom!

This is one of my favorite astrological cycles to predict because it is so short (only 2 weeks) and the full moon results always seem different yet related to our new moon's intentions. Reading the rising sign horoscopes below and embodying their energies is like fertilizer for new moon wish-making; let’s harvest some juicy wishes!

This new moon plants its seed in Gemini, the sign of air that changes.  Mercury, God of Storms, paper money and silly cat videos on Tik Tok!  This is an excellent opportunity for us all to bulk up that faith muscle and watch how a little…okay maybe a LOT of chaos and change through the power of the moon will transform into a magical early birthday present.

Just look at what sign and house the full moon will appear! This month the full moon bestows her silvery beauty in the masculine, changeable fire sign of Sagittarius owned by Jupiter. Spirituality, nature, knowledge and DIVINE UNION are some of the delightful energies under the domain of the God of Alchemy and surprisingly…the hips (ecstatic dance anyone)?

This new moon/full moon cycle translates from information into knowledge, chaos into a divine path, tik tok and texting into spiritual escapes in nature. These words may not make sense now but let’s read our horoscope below and set our smart phone reminders because when it happens it will blow our minds!

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@makeluvwithastrology #newmoon #fullmoon #vedicastrology forecast by #zodiacsign for June 29th-July 13th. What wish will you manifest?🌝❤️‍🔥 #astrology ♬ Aesthetic - Tollan Kim

June 28-July 28 2022 New Moon Full Moon Vedic Astrology horoscope by rising sign


The new moon will plant its seed in Gemini in our 3rd house of communication, bravery and younger siblings. The flower will blossom in Sagittarius, our 9th house of spirituality, nature and DIVINE UNION. Is there something we want to write or some class we want to take but aren’t sure? Don’t think, do it! Something unexpected may happen and cause chaos, confusion and a bunch of texting and emojis.  But don’t worry because it will all turn out for the best with a spiritual revelation, time in nature or a lucky gift from a stranger.  Trust in God at this time and sail on with our heart.


The new moon will plant its seed in Gemini in our 2nd house of wealth, juicy watermelon at the beach and pleasure. The flower will blossom in Sagittarius, our 8th house of shadows, power and compost. Go spend some money on that new cell phone, take that chatty person you met on Tinder on a date at the new sushi restaurant.  Watch out though, there is something dark and unexpected lurking to reveal itself on the full moon.  It could be something good like a lottery ticket win or could be finding out that our Tinder date is wanted by the FBI in 5 states.  Either way, let’s pay attention to what our wolf instincts are telling us the day before on and after the full moon and stay safe!


This new moon will plant its seed in our 1st house of the body, face and identity.  The full moon flower will blossom in our 7th house of partnership, contracts and relationships!  Go to the gym, get a nice shave and a hair cuit.  By focusing on taking care of our body on the new moon some unexpected new business or romantic partnership will appear on the full moon.  Harmony and music are key themes for the full moon so go to a concert or ecstatic dance!


This new moon plants its seed in our 12th house of loss, surrender and sacred sexuality and blossoms in our 6th house of problem solving, diets and service.  On the new moon spend some time floating in the ocean, volunteering for a charity or engaged in la petit mort with a divine partner.  This can turn into a spontaneous healing, new diet or a magical time in the forest on the full moon.  Service and surrender are key themes to put on our altars for morning and evening prayers. 


This new moon plants its seed in our 11th house of tribe, culture and parties.  The full moon blossoms in our 5th house of investment, children and creativity. On the new moon,  go to that party, sit in that women’s or men’s circle. Allowing the community to support you and guide you will turn into a new romance or creative art endeavor on the full moon.  Are you an artist or a performer?  Network on the new moon and schedule some shows around the full moon for an unexpected, wonderful surprise!


This new moon plants its seed in our 10th house of career and social status.  The fruit will blossom in our 4th house of home, emotional mind and mother. On the new moon work over time at the office, go climb that mountain (literal or figurative).  This is not the time to be lazy at home watching reruns on Netflix.  Allow this hard work ethic to transform into a promotion or commendation that will result in emotional peace, more time at home or swimming in a river on the full moon.  Make sure to call your mother on the full moon for some extra spiritual go-go juice.


This new moon plants its seed in our 9th house of spirituality, nature, knowledge and DIVINE UNION.  The full moon fruit will be harvested in our 3rd house of communication, bravery and younger siblings. On the new moon spend some time meditating in nature, meeting with an astrologer of worshiping life with a divine masuline or feminine.  On the full moon this energy will transform into a new class, skill, hard won battle or meeting with a younger sibling that will surprise you with a gift.  On the new moon focus on “learning how to fish” and on the full moon focus on “getting the fish ''.  By the strength of your will and hands you will achieve something great!


This new moon plants its seed in our 8th house of shadow, money from unexpected sources and intense emotional healing.  The fruit will be harvested on the full moon in our 2nd house of wealth, pleasure and fertility.  On the new moon the skeletons will be itching to come out of your closet.  Welcome them with open arms, light and luminous love.  Pay attention to unearned money such as an insurance settlement, lottery or inheritance.  This will transform on the full moon into a hedonistic time with a sensual partner.  Food, love making and pleasure.  Watch how money seems to magically appear in your wallet at this time.


This new moon plants its silvery seed in our 7th house of partnership, contracts and harmony.  The full moon will fruit in our 1st house of body, identity and face. On the new moon, buy that musical instrument or practice with one you already have.  Go shopping for new clothes or focus on your business or romantic relationship with a partner.  Surprisingly, by focusing on others,  the full moon will transform into a confident, sexy body and more recognition for your achievements.  It is okay to ask for help from a friend and see how karma comes back to you 10 fold!


The new moon plants its seed in our 6th house of problem solving, diets and service while the full moon will harvest its fruit in our 12th house of surrender, loss and sacred sexuality.  On the new moon start that new diet, get that broken vehicle fixed and spend time in the forest.  By focusing on self improvement on the new moon, the full moon will bring us gifts of surrender into the divine ocean of conscious oneness, maybe with a physical divine partner. Service and surrender are key themes here to put on our altars!


The new moon plants its seed in our 5th house of investment, children and creativity.  The full moon fruits in our 11th house of tribe, culture and parties. On the new moon, spend some time meditating in lotus position, with a guitar or paint brush in your hand.  It’s okay to spend time “feeling good”, especially around the kids.  Watch on the full moon how this transforms into a wonderful surprise party or new group of friends.  If you are a performer, get on stage on the new moon and see how many new fans you get on the full moon.


The new moon plants its seed in our 4th house of home, emotional mind and mother.  The full moon will harvest its fruit in our 10th house of career and social status.  On the new moon it is okay to take some rest and time off snuggled underneath your warm comforter with some cookies.  Peace of mind is important here as well as calling your mother.  This will transform on the full moon to more time away from home.  A new job offer, hiking up a mountain or some recognition for work well done.  Allow your rest to turn into grit and determination to scale the next peak!

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July 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign


June 2022 Monthly Horoscope Based on Vedic Astrology