June 2022 Monthly Horoscope Based on Vedic Astrology

Sticky and sweet! Will the fertile new moon in Taurus bless you with love or money?

Welcome to my first ever Make Love With Astrology Monthly Horoscope! 

I have spent a lot of time feeling on what type of astrologer I want to be for my clients. Sometimes I feel pressure to imitate what other astrologers are doing because I am afraid that if I don’t, I won’t be successful. That is why I named my company “Make Love With Astrology” because everytime I gaze upon my companies name it reminds me that as long as I come from my heart and spread my love like wildfire into yours; I will make all my dreams come true.

To skip all of my poetic fluff and get right to your specific predictions for your rising sign click HERE

As a health chef in Malibu for the past 18 years I learned it’s not what we COOK but what we DIGEST that is of prime importance. That is why I am going to serve up an astrological buffet in EXACTLY the way I like to eat it with:

  • Predictions and forecasts for our specific rising/ascendant/body/1st house sign (F*@K the SUN sign, it is not a priority)

  • Sniper specific dates of when events and energies will happen so we can set our smart phone reminders and feel the magic synchronicities and coincidences that all spiritual people are addicted to.

  • Humor, heart and helpful info of how to SOLVE OUR PROBLEMS using the philosophy of astrology. I call my style “applied astrology” which means I don’t care about the traditions or the details; all I care about is what works. If we can’t solve our life problems and achieve our dreams for Dharma, wealth, love and healing, what is the point?

So let’s get right to it!

Reminder: All calculations are done for the rising/ascendent sign under the glorious sidereal Vedic zodiac which is the same map that NASA and astronomers use. To learn what your sidereal Vedic rising sign is, use my Free Vedic Birth Chart Calculator

How to read my June 2022 Vedic Astrology horoscope?

Simple and easy. I will give us specific dates and specific energies related to the stars and our rising sign. We set our smart phone reminders to those dates with some notes (I like using Siri to make it quick and easy), watch, wait and MEDITATE a mantra of “Mahalo” and gratitude to attract the magic even deeper into our reality. When we do this, I GUARANTEE there will be some event or person that will show up in our lives that will be a God in disguise who embodies those archetypes to teach us a marvelous life lesson. Then we just celebrate and thank God for revealing his plan to us once again and get ready for the next experience with our divine creator.

IMPORTANT: Vedic Astrology is the Google Maps of life

Before we get started, the most important thing to remember is that astrology is the Google Maps of life; it tells us not only where we are but WHEN we are. Imagine if we were driving from Kilauea, Kauai to Lihue and we didn’t know if it would take 1 hour or 10; wouldn’t that be stressful? Just like Google Maps relieves our anxiety by showing us WHEN we will get to our destination so does Vedic Astrology show us where we are at in our cycles of Dharma, wealth, love, healing and HOW LONG they will last. Knowing how long a “good” cycle will last helps us enjoy the experience while we can and how long a “bad” cycle lasts gives us peace of mind and hope that there will be a rainbow after the rain.

May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus plants the seed of fertility that blossoms into the spiritual flower of Sagittarius

Every new moon a seed is planted in a sign that will fruit and bloom 2 weeks later during the Full Moon in another sign. Imagine a sunflower seed being planted during the new moon that then blossoms into something quite unexpected on the Full Moon; a fragrant rose blossom!

This is one of my favorite astrological cycles to predict because it is so short (only 2 weeks) and the full moon results always seem different yet related to our new moon intention. Reading the rising sign horoscopes below and embodying their energies is like fertilizer for new moon wish-making; let’s harvest some juicy wishes!

This new moon is in the feminine fixed earth sign of Taurus owned by Venus which rules all beautiful fragrances for our nose, tender caresses for our skin, beautiful colors for our eyes, delicious flavors for our mouth and harmonious music for our ears. Yes, Taurus is the goddess of fertility, wealth and this is lining up to be a cornucopia of abundance and sticky sweetness in our lives. By praying and focusing our energy on Queen Venus and her sign we can manifest and WOMANifest her gifts into our reality; but how do we know what wish the new moon will bless us with? 

Just look at what sign and house the full moon will appear! This month is the masculine, changeable fire sign of Sagittarius owned by Jupiter. Spirituality, nature, knowledge and DIVINE UNION are some of the delightful energies under the domain of the God of Alchemy and surprisingly…the hips (ecstatic dance anyone)?

This new moon/full moon cycle translates from pleasure into knowledge, food into dancing and fertility into Divine Union. These words may not make sense now but let’s read our horoscope below and set our smart phone reminders because when it happens it will blow our minds!

May 10th-June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends (THANK GOD!)

Yes, Mercury retrograde is real and this was one of the easier ones. Mercury is an Asura planet which translates into “demon” or “earth angel” and 💖💖💖💖💖’s being in its fellow earth angel Venus’s sensual pleasure sign of Taurus. Everything you read about the new moon in Taurus above applies here just with a lot more chaos and miscommunication like a “Storm of Sensuality”. Mercury the messenger rules the masculine, changeable air sign of Gemini the communicator (storms) and the feminine, changeable earth sign of Virgo the problem solver (forests). When it goes retrograde, all that means is:

  1. Mercury is super, super close to the planet earth. Imagine Mercury is an in-law and when it is retrograde that in law is in town and sleeping on our couch.

  2. We need to go back and “do-over” our past 3 weeks in the house Mercury is retrograding. It is like heading to the beach in our car, but we get half way there when we realize we left our surfboard at home. So we reverse and go back, get our board, go forward again and once we pass the half-way point we are finally on our way!

On May 10th when Mercury first went retrograde that is when this cycle began i.e. when we realized we forgot our surfboard. So some person, event or whateva’ began “going backwards” and delaying. If you don’t remember THAT IS WHY WE SET OUR SMART PHONE REMINDERS! On June 3rd, we arrive at home, get our surfboards and can finally begin our journey back to the beach to enjoy some fun, sun and waves. So that event will conclude and move forward or that person will leave our life and leave us with those lessons.

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn goes retrograde in Aquarius (Put on the brakes)

Saturn aka Grumpy McGrumperson rules the feminine, moveable earth sign of Capricorn the social climber (mountains) and the masculine fixed air sign of Aquarius, Lord of the Tribe/Herd (Doldrums, wind that doesn’t blow). If it is slow, painful and grinding you bet Saturn is throwing its weight around and when it goes retrograde it is a cosmic foot on the brakes in whatever area of life Saturn is transiting in our charts.

Saturn stopping in the 1st degree of Aquarius but spending most of its time in Capricorn means all of the hope we had about power coming back to the people and communities uniting again (Aquarius) will be put on hold while Saturn rolls up its sleeves and gets to work organizing and vertically restructuring governments and social structures (Capricorn). Many people need to get fired after all of the shenanigans they put us through the past 2 years and although it will be a long, grueling process, in the end like all things Saturn, it will be the most satisfying.

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu. Love and money on Red Bull

Are you getting tired of experiencing pleasure yet? Well after this month you will be. Venus the planet that rules the feminine, fixed earth sign of Taurus (wealth and sensory pleasure) and the masculine, moveable air sign of Libra (harmony and relationships is conjuncting Rahu which…let me throw out a little word salad about Rahu, the North Node of the Moon, the Dragon’s Head so you understand:

Red Bull, gasoline on fire, going viral, wish granting, genie in a lamp, focus, obsession, addiction.

Do you even need me to understand what is about to happen in our world? Rahu is a cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! Definitely set your smart phone reminders for this one to bring a condom, call a designated driver and hide your credit card because after this passes, the moment may end but the regrets will always linger…

June 2022 Vedic Astrology horoscope by rising sign


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

The new moon will plant its seed in Taurus in our 2nd house of wealth, pleasure and fertility. The flower will blossom in Sagittarius, our 9th house of spirituality, nature and DIVINE UNION. So let’s take time for some hedonistic pleasures and spend some money. Drink mead, make love, create art and then watch how that brings us closer to God with a potent transformation into true love, hikes in nature and a divine partnership. Yes, that one night stand you met on mushies at the ecstatic dance can become a life long lover.

May 10th-June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

Mercury, the demon messenger of cell phones, paper money and silly cat videos on Tik Tok began its retrograde on May 10th in Taurus in our 2nd house of wealth, pleasure and fertility. Some sexy, sensual, pleasure seeking, earthy person entered our lives around that time bringing fun times and big credit card bills. Watch how this event wraps up EXACTLY on June 3rd with lessons learned and cash burned.

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

Saturn rules the moveable earth, mountain sign Capricorn which is in our 10th house of career, social status and the fixed air, doldrums sign Aquairus which is in our 11th house of tribe and community. Saturn LOVES being retrograde in its own houses but we may not love how long it takes for our career to get back on track…nearly 5 months until it goes direct again! That promotion or new job may need to wait but good things come to those….you know the rest!

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in Aries

Venus rules the fixed earth, farm sign of Taurus which is in our 2nd house of wealth, pleasure and the moveable air, tradewind sign of Libra which is in our 7th house of relationships and harmony. Rahu is a cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! Conjunct in the 1st house of the body and identity let’s get ready for some foreign pleasure seeking lover or experience to enter our lives and light up our senses and lighten our wallet. 


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

The new moon will plant its seed in Taurus (ruled by Venus) in our 1st house of the body, face and identity. The flower will blossom in Sagittarius, our 8th house of shadows, power and compost. A very powerful and blessed new moon for the Taurus ascendent. By focusing on our fertile, pleasure seeking nature it will transform into some explosive healing of old trauma or even money from an unexpected spiritual or fathery source such as sugar daddy or inheritance.

May 10th- June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

Mercury rules the changeable air, storm sign of Gemini which rules our 2nd house of wealth, pleasure and the changeable earth, forest sign of Virgo which rules our 5th house of creativity, investment and children. It began its retrograde on May 10th in Taurus in our 1st house of the body, face and identity. Whatever mercurial, social media, ADHD person or event that entered our lives around that time bringing chaos and curiosity to our money and creativity will wrap itself up much satisfactorily

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

Saturn rules the moveable earth, mountain sign Capricorn which is in our 9th house of Spirituality, nature, knowledge and DIVINE UNION and the fixed air, doldrums sign Aquairus which is in our 10th house of career and social status. Saturn LOVES being retrograde in its own house but we may not love how long it takes for some situation with our father or spiritual teacher to get resolved. You may be spending more time in nature as well so bring plenty of extra granola bars!

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in Aries

Venus rules the fixed earth, farm sign of Taurus which is in our 12th house of loss, surrender and the moveable air, tradewind sign of Libra which is in our 6th house of diet and problem solving. Rahu is a cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! Conjunct in the 12th house of loss, surrender and SACRED SEXUALITY, now would be a good time to do some charity work for some foreign organization or go camping with that exotic lover you have been flirting with and lose yourself in the cosmic ocean of sensual pleasure.


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

This new moon happens in our 12th house of loss, surrender and SACRED SEXUALITY and ends as the full moon in our 7th house of relationships and harmony. Whether it was business or romantic related, something that we let go of and “lost” on May 30ths will transform into a new opportunity for relationship and harmony. Let’s be thankful for what we lost and celebrate what we are about to gain with this new person!

May 10th- June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

This Mercury retrograde happens in our 12th house of loss, surrender and SACRED SEXUALITY. So whatever we lost whether it was money, a loved one or ourselves with another in bed (la petite mort anyone?) will finally conclude on June 3rd. We may never get it back but emotionally we will be able to move on.

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

This Saturn retrograde happens primarily in our 8th house of old trauma, shadow and money from unexpected sources in the sign of Capricorn. Expect some old emotional wound to resurface begging to be healed and alchemized by the light. Expecting to receive some inheritance or insurance money? It won’t wrap up until October 23rd so be patient!

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in Aries

Venus conjuncts Rahu in our 11th house of tribe community and parties. Rahu is the cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! What else can I say? We will likely enjoy this party with that exotic person from out of town but may enjoy the hangover and who we find in bed the morning after. Be safe and have fun!


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

This new moon happens in our 11th house of tribe, community, parties and ends as the full moon in our 6th house of diet, healing and problem solving. Some pleasurable, sensual, farm based group event we went to on May 30th will wrap up with solving some health related issue; likely by spending time in nature.

May 10th- June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

This Mercury retrograde happens in our 11th house of tribe, community and parties. So whatever confusion and chaos began with some misunderstanding or unexpected event with your social circle will wrap up with food, song and some sweet cuddle puddles. Enjoy!

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

This Saturn retrograde happens primarily in our 7th house of relationships and harmony in the sign of Capricorn. Some business deal or new romantic love interest that seemed so promising and ready to begin will take longer to get the gasoline in the tank; until October 23rd so be patient!

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in Aries

Venus conjuncts Rahu in our 10th house of career and social status. Rahu is the cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! Expect a big windfall of money or a new partner to arrive in our career and enjoy while we can because this cycle will not happen again for 18 years! 


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

This new moon happens in our 10th house of career, social status and ends as the full moon in our 5th house of investment, children and creativity. Our job is going well which results with more time hanging out at the park with the kids or creates a new investment opportunity to plant seeds in.

May 10th- June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

This Mercury retrograde happens in our 10th house of career and social status. So whatever confusion and chaos began with some misunderstanding or unexpected event with our job will wrap up with food, song and high fives all around. Enjoy!

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

This Saturn retrograde happens primarily in our 6th house of health, lawsuits and problem solving in the sign of Capricorn. Have some court case or problem that was supposed to wrap up? It will likely take longer than expected. Good to spend time focusing on diet and enjoying some chlorella green smoothies every morning before pilates!

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in Aries

Venus conjuncts Rahu in our 9th house of spirituality, nature and father. Rahu is the cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! Take your father (or father figure) out to an expensive restaurant or go spend some time in nature talking to God with the help of our translators…MUSHIES!


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

This new moon happens in our 9th house of spirituality, father, nature and ends as the full moon in our 4th house of home, security and mother. Some big promotion or good news at work will allow us to spend more time at home or allow us to invest in new real estate.

May 10th- June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

This Mercury retrograde happens in our 9th house of spirituality, nature and father. So whatever confusion and chaos began with some misunderstanding or unexpected event with our father or spiritual guru will wrap up with food, song and hugs. Enjoy!

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

This Saturn retrograde happens primarily in our 5th house of children, investment and creativity in the sign of Capricorn. Expect some event or person in those areas of our life to take longer than expected to get started.

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in Aries

Venus conjuncts Rahu in our 8th house of shadow, old trauma and money from unexpected sources. Rahu is the cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! Some financial windfall may happen from a sugar daddy/momma or may be a good time to meet with your local shaman for an intentional plant medicine ceremony.


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

This new moon happens in our 8th house of shadow, old wounds, money from unexpected sources and ends as the full moon in our 3rd house of bravery, younger siblings and communication. Some old pain or wound that began on the new moon will transform into courage we could not expect to happen. We are now stronger and better equipped for the next battle!

May 10th- June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

This Mercury retrograde happens in our 8th house of shadow, old wounds, money from unexpected sources. So whatever confusion and chaos began with some misunderstanding or unexpected event with an inheritance, sugar daddy/mamma or emotional trauma release will wrap up to a satisfactory conclusion.

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

This Saturn retrograde happens primarily in our 4th house of home, emotional mind and mother in the sign of Capricorn. Buying a new property? May be a good time to wait as there could be more leaky pipes than we expected. Good time to call our mother (or pray to our mothers who are in heaven) everyday and let her know how much we love her.

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in Aries

Venus conjuncts Rahu in our 7th house of relationships and harmony. Rahu is the cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! Buy that new $800 rhinestone hoodie. Go on a date at the beach with that TikTok influencer with over 1M followers. Something beautiful, airy and exotic will happen with a partnership at this time. Enjoy!


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

This new moon happens in our 7th house of relationships, harmony and ends as the full moon in our 2nd house of wealth and pleasure. Some new romantic or business relationship or even musical instrument that began on May 30ths brings us the pleasure and fun we seek on June 14th. A very beautiful and tasty moon cycle. Enjoy!

May 10th- June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

This Mercury retrograde happens in our 7th house of relationships and harmony. So whatever confusion and chaos began with some misunderstanding or unexpected event with our business or romantic partner gets resolved and we can move forward!

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

This Saturn retrograde happens primarily in our 3rd house of communication, younger siblings and bravery in the sign of Capricorn. Expect to fight to get what you want to express especially in your career for the next 5 months. Don’t be a baby…it’s worth it!

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in Aries

Venus conjuncts Rahu in our 6th house of health, lawsuits and service. Rahu is the cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! Expect to win that lawsuit and watch out for the chocolate vegan cashew cheesecake that may ruin your diet. It won’t be worth it the next morning!


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

This new moon happens in our 6th house of health, lawsuits and service and ends as the full moon in our 1st of body, face and identity. That new diet you began on May 30th is working quicker than you expected with clearer skin, less weight and clarity in your mind. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!

May 10th- June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

This Mercury retrograde happens in our 6th house of health, lawsuits and service. So whatever confusion and chaos began with some misunderstanding or unexpected event with our new raw food diet or court case finally gets resolved to a happy conclusion!

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

This Saturn retrograde happens primarily in our 2nd house of wealth and pleasure in the sign of Capricorn. A good time to conserve and save our finances until October as unexpected expenses may arise.

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in Aries

Venus conjuncts Rahu in our 5th house of investment, children and creativity. Rahu is the cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! Expect that investment or art project to pay off with fireworks!


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

This new moon happens in our 5th house of investment, creativity, children and ends as the full moon in our 12th house of loss, charity and SACRED SEXUALITY. Get ready to surrender whatever you have created on May 30th. It is time to let it go and give it back to the cosmic ocean.

May 10th- June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

This Mercury retrograde happens in our 5th house of investment, creativity, children. So whatever confusion and chaos began with some misunderstanding or unexpected event with that new creation you are trying to birth, call the spiritual midwife…that baby is about to be born!

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

This Saturn retrograde happens primarily in our 1st house of the body, face and identity in the sign of Capricorn. A wonderful time to focus less on other people and focus more on making our body stronger. Going to the gym, exfoliating the face with some natural sea salt lavender scrubs. It is all about us these next 5 months!

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in AriesVenus conjuncts Rahu in our 4th house of home, security and mother. Rahu is the cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! If that beautiful, foreign friend wants to stay a few nights in our home on our couch…let them! It will be a few nights we will never forget.


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

This new moon happens in our 4th house of home, security and mother and ends as the full moon in our 11th house of tribe, community and parties. By staying at home and relaxing our emotional mind we were able to gather inner peace and know it is time to go party with our friends! Let’s get out on this full moon to that bon fire at the beach. It will be a night we will never forget.

May 10th- June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

This Mercury retrograde happens in our 4th house of home, security and mother. So that confusion and chaos that began with some misunderstanding or unexpected event with our home or mom is about to end. Give her a call or she will call you and tell her how much she loves and misses you.

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

This Saturn retrograde happens primarily in our 12th house of loss, charity and SACRED SEXUALITY in the sign of Capricorn. A wonderful time to focus on volunteering at the puppy shelter a bit more often. Staying at home and in bed (hopefully with another person) will be very fortunate for us this transit.

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in Aries

Venus conjuncts Rahu in our 3rd house of communication, bravery and younger siblings. Rahu is the cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! Writing beautiful love letters or taking a chance by calling that attractive exotic foreigner will be very lucky for us this transit.


May 30th-June 14th: New moon in Taurus, Full Moon in Sagittarius

This new moon happens in our 3rd house of communication, bravery, younger siblings and ends as the full moon in our 10th house of career and social status. That email or text we sent on the new moon will result in an upgrade in job. A great time to move up the corporate ladder.

May 10th- June 3rd: Mercury retrograde in Taurus ends

This Mercury retrograde happens in our 3rd house of communication, bravery, and younger siblings. So that confusion and chaos that began with some misunderstanding or unexpected event with our younger brother or sister is about to end in hugs! That writing project or website re-design is about to move forward and fast!

June 4th-October 23rd: Saturn retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn

This Saturn retrograde happens primarily in our 11th house of tribe, community and parties in the sign of Capricorn. A wonderful time to focus on attending those song circles and men’s/women’s groups. Make new friends and keep the old.

June 16th: Venus conjuncts Rahu in Aries

Venus conjuncts Rahu in our 2nd house of wealth and pleasure. Rahu is the cocaine addicted Genie who doesn’t stop at just granting 3 wishes; he can only stop when he overdoses and dies! Let’s go out to that fancy restaurant, spend money on that necklace for our lover. But watch for that credit card bill next month. It may be more than we bargained for.


June 2022 New Moon Vedic Astrology Predictions