July 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign

Please note I am referring to the Vedic Astrology, sidereal zodiac that NASA and dolphins use which is different by about 24 degrees than the western zodiac. Don’t know your Vedic chart? Use my Free Vedic Birth Chart Calculator and I’ll do it for you!

July is an action packed month. Let’s get right to it!

How to interpret each transit event

The best way to understand how a transit will affect your chart is to look at what sign the event is happening in and compare that to what house it rules from your rising sign.  The house is the area of life such as love, career, health etc. Then set your smart phone reminders to notify you of the day the transits happen to help manifest and WOMANifest that energy into your life.

For example, if you are a Taurus rising and a transit event is happening in Virgo, count the number of houses from Taurus (with Taurus being 1) until you end up at Virgo which is the 5th house.  Then look at the chart below for the area of life that it rules and voila; you have your prediction.  If you do not know your rising sign you can easily get your Free Vedic Birth Chart Calculator HERE and I will do it for you. Or you can use your Sun or Moon sign.

1st house: The body, self, identity

2nd house: Wealth, pleasure

3rd house: Communication, commerce learning, younger siblings

4th house: Home, peace of mind, emotional mind, mother

5th house: Creativity, birthing, soul, father

6th house: Service, health, diets

7th house: Business and romantic relationships, partners

8th house: Shadow, old emotional and physical pain, transformation

9th house: Spirituality, nature, father, teachers

10th house: Career, reputation,

11th house: Community, culture, tribe

12th house: Surrender, being alone, loss

July 2nd-July 13th: Magical 5 Planet Alignment.  Rare and powerful event!

Yes this is one of the rare most fun predictions an astrologer can make.  Yes your dreams will come true!  YES this is a time to manifest and WOMANifest our wishes!  No, nothing horrible is likely to happen.  Nearly all of the inner planets will be in their own signs from July 2nd-July 13th with July 2nd being the super critical, money maker day with the moon being in its own sign of Cancer.

When a planet is in its own house I imagine the planet as a God or person who is super comfortable and chill-axing.  Sitting in their well worn easy chair, watching Netflix sipping their favorite beverage, wearing the oldest most loved pair of undies (with holes in odd places but who cares it is their house!?)

Mars the fire planet of the warrior and fitness in Aries the sign of…the same.

Venus the earth planet of wealth and pleasure in Taurus the sign of …the same.

Mercury the air planet of commerce and communication is in Gemini the sign of…the same.

Jupiter the water planet of surrender and the cosmic ocean is in Pisces the sign of…the same.

Moon the sign of the mother and unconditional love.

Saturn the mountain planet of government and career is in Capricorn the sign of…the same.

You get the point?  That is a lot of gods walking around in their immortal undergarments!

Make a wish, create an intention and for God’s sake, set those smartphone reminders for the beginning and the end of this cycle!  Setting our smart phone reminders is similar to liking a planet’s TikTok video, it tells them we want more of the same.

June 27th-August 10 I like to move it move it: Mars in Aries

Mars is the warrior and crossfit addict who will be at the crossfit gym and battlefield in Aries during this transit.  Whatever house (area of life) Mars is in in your chart will be like red bull + gasoline + tissue paper.  Get ready for energy, action and a lot of sweating. Take action!  Be bold!  Fight with the heart of a lion!  But please, wear a seatbelt.  Remember, the number one way to worship Aries is with blood, whether somebody else’s or your own.

June 29th-July 13th: New moon in Gemini plants the seed of chaos that blossoms into the spiritual flower of Sagittarius

Every new moon a seed is planted in a sign that will fruit and bloom 2 weeks later during the Full Moon in another sign. Imagine a sunflower seed being planted during the new moon that then blossoms into something quite unexpected on the Full Moon; a fragrant rose blossom!

This is one of my favorite astrological cycles to predict because it is so short (only 2 weeks) and the full moon results always seem different yet related to our new moon's intentions. Reading the rising sign horoscopes below and embodying their energies is like fertilizer for new moon wish-making; let’s harvest some juicy wishes!

This new moon plants its seed in Gemini, the sign of air that changes.  Mercury, God of Storms, paper money and silly cat videos on Tik Tok!  This is an excellent opportunity for us all to bulk up that faith muscle and watch how a little…okay maybe a LOT of chaos and change through the power of the moon into a magical early birthday present.

Just look at what sign and house the full moon will appear! This month the full moon bestows her silvery beauty in the masculine, changeable fire sign of Sagittarius owned by Jupiter. Spirituality, nature, knowledge and DIVINE UNION are some of the delightful energies under the domain of the God of Alchemy and surprisingly…the hips (ecstatic dance anyone)?

This new moon/full moon cycle translates from information into knowledge, chaos into a divine path, tik tok and texting into spiritual escapes in nature. These words may not make sense now but let’s read our horoscope below and set our smart phone reminders because when it happens it will blow our minds!

July 12th-October 22nd: Government back to business as usual.  Saturn retrogrades back into Capricorn

Did you think that the government had learned its lesson about lockdowns and trying to subvert the will of the people?  Think again.  Saturn is in charge of Capricorn which rules the government, social status, mountains and all those people who try to step on our heads to reach the top of society.  Saturn heading back into this energy means it still has some work to do and those nobles will try one last shot before the people finally say enough is enough!

Saturn is everything that is long, hard and slow like a mountain so whatever house this happens to in your chart expect to be climbing that figurative mountain until the cycle ends October 22nd.

July 31st-August 1st: The Good The Bad and The Ugly. Mars conjunct, Rahu, conjunct Uranus

Have you ever seen the 3 hour long spaghetti western masterpiece with Clint Eastwood The Good, The Bad and the Ugly?  If not, watching it will be a good prelude to what is about to happen in the stars and our lives. 

Mars is “The Good” Clint Eastwood. The hero as Blondie and The Man with No Name.

Rahu is “The Ugly” Eli Wallace.  The eccentric and gold obsessed “Tuco”.

Uranus is “The Bad” Lee Van Cleef. The villain named Angel Eyes who is heck bent on disrupting their plans and snatching the gold for himself.

When all of these 3 intense energies combine together, you can imagine the fireworks that can happen. This is definitely a time when some manifestation and WOMANifestation can happen but it will not happen in a soft, fluffy way.  This is action movie style with plenty of guns, fire, explosions and stunts.  So please, let’s have fun but wear our seatbelts, put on our sun screen and practice prayers of gratitude to keep us centered.  Whatever sign Aries is in will affect the house area of our life it is in.  

July 28-Aug 12 2022 New Moon Cancer Full Moon Capricorn

The seed of our wish will be planted in the moving water sign of Cancer which in nature rules rivers, waterfalls and rain.  Everything that is symbolic of this water that heals while nurturing such as mothers, unconditional love, the home, peace of mind and soft fluffy innocent things like whispers, thank you cards and babies will be powerful.  When we set our smartphone reminder on July 28th to meditate on those energies in the house Cancer resides in, we sow those wish seeds into the subconscious soil which will sprout on the full moon.

The blossoming of our wish will bloom during the full moon in the movable earth sign of Capricorn which in nature rules everything that is long, slow and hard like mountains. Think of career, reputation, social status, etc.  So for the world, ironically by spending more time at home, being kind and filled with unconditional love like a mother will turn into some real leaps up the social ladder.  This rest and relaxation at home will turn into much career advancement or advancement in whatever house it rules. Change in business and social status.  Stay tuned to the next blog for a sign by sign horoscope breakdown of this energy.

So to be clear AF.  Meditate on new moon energies leading up to the new moon and watch in amazement how they unexpectedly blossom into the full moon wish. But meditate on the full moon energies leading up to the full moon as well.  Imagine an avocado seed blossoming into a mango fruit?  Pretty cool huh?

July 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign

The predominant energy this month will be the Mars conjunct Rahu, conjunct Uranus July 31st-August 1st.  The horoscopes below will be centered around the energy leading up to this conjunction.


Warrior! Great changes and energy will be filling your body this month.  Don’t be surprised if you are the most “popular kid at class”.  Use this fire to achieve your goals but watch out for the end of the month so that you don’t go too fast in life or while operating heavy machinery.  An unexpected volatile event is likely to happen.


Artisan! What are you holding on to?  Is it keeping you afloat or dragging you down.  This will be a time to let go, surrender and spend some quality time alone or caregiving for someone in need.  If you are able to, go spend some time floating in the ocean or in a flotation tank where you can become one with everything.


Storm god! It may feel like Burning Man is coming earlier this month for you with unexpected action surrounding events, parties and your social circle.  Are new friends from out of the country visiting?  Excited to try that new food or culture?  Have fun, just be aware of being around large crowds around the end of the month as the energy may get a little too exciting and volatile.


Divine mother! Your career will literally be on fire this month!  As if you have rocket boosters strapped to your shoes that shoot you up the mountain.  Finish that project, ask for that raise and watch as more responsibility is given to you.  Be careful what you wish near the end of the month and make sure to save some money or energy on the side in case something unexpected happens.


My King! Adventure, romance, spirituality!  This energy has all the ingredients for a magical trip and time to travel the world, spend some time in nature and meet some new friends.  Try to connect with god by spending time alone in the woods or ocean and reflect on what you have learned so far in this life.  Calling your father if he is still on this earth or praying to him asking for lessons will be very fortuitous this month.


Scientist and healer! The treasure is in the tomb, the lotus comes from the mud.  This may seem like a swamply, shadowy and difficult July but all of this trash that life is giving to you will be turned into treasure.  Use any old pain and stagnant emotions as compost for your rose to grow.  Unexpected income such as inheritances, insurance settlements are trending this month.


Beautiful wind! Business and romantic partnership is very strong for you this month.  Focus on that new contract, get a new outfit or pick up a new instrument.  Harmony will be ruling even if it may feel a bit aggressive this month.  Rely on your partner and you should do well just be aware to ask them if they need help at the end of the month in case they have taken on too much workload.


Magician! July is a great month to put that gasoline on the fire of a new diet, workout plan or healing regimen.  Spend some time in the forest, learn about medicinal herbs and go be of service to a great mentor or king who will teach you how to train and attract great servants of your own.  Make sure to slow down and be conscious near the end of this month as you may be more accident prone.


Alchemist! Perhaps the best month all year for your sign, nothing will get in the way of your creativity.  Many things literal or figurative will be birthed and come through; some with the help of an exotic foreigner. Be the center of the stage, shine like a star.  Just make sure to take some time to relax near the end of the month before you burn out.


God of mountains! Time to work on that home, make some repairs and reevaluate your relationship with your mother.  What truly makes you happy and have peace of mind?  Fix any old outdated beliefs around relaxing and taking time for yourself.  CALL YOUR MOTHER if she is still here on earth or pray to her if she is not.  Spend time around rivers, waterfalls and in the rain.


Lord of the Tribe! Your mind is all ablaze with curiosity and learning this month.  Take that class, spend time with a younger sibling and titillate your brain with new information and facts.  A great time to launch a new TikTok page or spend time writing that new book or letter to someone you admire.  Your hands will be busy this month; just make sure you are aware where you place them at the end of July.


Mermaids and mermen!  Wealth and pleasure will be very strong for you this month.  Spend money on that new car, go to that fancy restaurant with that new exotic person you met on Tinder.  It is okay to indulge in pleasure from time to time.  Watch out for how that may empty your wallet though near the end of July and remember to save, save, save.


How to Read your Vedic Astrology Chart 101


June 2022 New Moon Vedic Astrology Predictions