Where Did Romanesco Go?

Where has Romanesco been? And where is he going? Keep watching. I'm Romanesco. And if you make love with astrology like I do, give me a follow up, subscribe. And let's be friends, Aloha brothers and sisters. I'm so grateful to be here with you today. And just wanted to give you a quick update of why I've been gone. Why I've disappeared. And here is a quick story. So about a year ago, I started make love with astrology, to be your wizard, to give advice to shine light. And it's been really, really, really cool. And I was pounding the ethereal payment every day just banging out sessions, writing blogs, doing videos all over tick tock my tic TOCs. Right, you should watch it.

And I just got burnout. We all get burnout, I started shining light. And I started having people in Arkansas being like, my brother got shot in the hospital. Can you pray for me and I was like, Oh, this is serious. This isn't just me being silly. Once I start shining light, people show for the light and they still they keep coming back and they need it. So I need to take a couple of months to relearn about power and astrology, the three flames power, love and knowledge. And I need to focus on power. So I was hunting wild chickens, getting into nature, and learning how to conserve my energy, conserve my life for myself. And then learn how to give it to everyone. You've heard of pearls before swine. So I cannot give my light to everyone. I love being generous. I love sharing money and light and food.

But now I'm cutting a bunch of you guys off cutting off the suckers in the life. And I'm only gonna be sharing my life to the ones who really deserve it and love me and just doing things shorter and quicker. And conserving my energy. And that's where I've been and where I'm going is that got ready for a bunch of really, really cool new stuff. And just get ready for more ways to be be connected with me. Because I'm cutting off a lot of the people who aren't really serving me or supporting me, I'll have more energy for supporting you.

So if you guys want to learn magic, if you want to learn how to predict the future, learn astrology, learn the map. You can come to me and we can do more one on one intimate stuff. I'm looking for more apprentices for the astrological sentences, so I love you guys. If you make love with astrology like I do. Give me a follow subscribe. Remember all this information is on my blog sign up to my blog below so you can read it and catch my updates and lets be friends. Tata!


July 2023 Vedic Astrology Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign


BLESSons #0: The Courage of a Child