July 2023 Vedic Astrology Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign

Big Mahalo to Elizabeth Weihmiller for the transits. One of my favorite astrologers. https://mindsouljourney.com/start-your-journey/

Transcribed poorly by AI.

Please note I am referring to the Vedic Astrology, sidereal zodiac that astronomers use which FEELS MORE ACCURATE than western astrology. Astronomers have to be accurate or their satellites will blow up. Your TRUE zodiac sign is actually 24 degrees back to the previous zodiac sign than on the western zodiac. All predictions are BASED ON YOUR RISING SIGN. Don’t know your Vedic chart? Sign up for a FREE Vedic Astrology Reading and I’ll do it for you!

July is here and I've been speaking about war. But has the war just begun? Or is it ending? Stay tuned and watch for my July forecast. I'm romanesco and if you make love with astrology like I do, give me a follow, subscribe, and let's be friends. Alright everybody, I'm gonna come up with your quick July forecast with the top five transits you need to know and remember that you just gotta go to my blog because not only do I go over all these transits, but I go over them for your specific zodiac sign prediction. I do Vedic Astrology. So it's all based upon your Vedic Astrology Jyotish rising signs if you don't know what that is, don't worry, book a free session on my site. I got your back.

July 16-August 17 Sun transit into Cancer: The babe with the POWER!

So everybody this month of July is all about the Sun being in the zodiac sign of Cancer, which is all about nurturing. So what are we trying to nurture? What are we trying to grow? Cancer rules the moon, the mommy the milk, the power of softness, the power of a thank you card, the power of a whisper, the power of homemade cookies, and all those sweet little mommy things the power of the baby? What baby? The babe with the power, what power? Power of Who do you do? What reminds me of the babe? Exactly. So It's the power of softness, the power of weakness. So this is a time with what we are trying to nurture in our life?

What are we trying to grow like a river growing beautiful, beautiful sprouts? Depending on your Vedic Astrology rising sign is your career, your health, your wealth. So that is going to be happening July 16, the sun will be transiting into Cancer. So on July 16th, that's a really important day to begin tapping that mommy Moon energy calling your mom watch movies about mothers etc. So I am bouncing around a little bit and I got a fancy little iPad, I'm using it that nice. I love this stuff.  Prediction by rising sign below.

June 30-August 19 Mars transits Leo: The King goes to war with his general

So June 30, Mars transits into Leo. So it's really important to understand that this is basically the king's General. There's  a lot of energy and your life around creativity and giving birth to things because Leo is a king. It's a birther, it's the creator, the sun that creates everything in the universe. And Mars is a general, it's a spark that gets things done. Leo's the sun Mars gets things done. So what are you trying to create? What are we trying to give birth to in this area of our lives? Again, click on my blog and you can see for Vedic Astrology rising sign, what you're going to be giving birth and creating. This is gonna be a time where even in the real world, big world Trump is gonna be getting a lot more energy, a lot more popularity because in his natal chart, he has Mars in Leo. So yeah, give birth Express, do some art, do some painting, hang around children and babysit, and check out about investments, a lot of energy around investments at this time. Rising sign predictions below.

July 3 Full moon Sagittarius: Go dance naked in nature on mushrooms

Okay, July 3, full moon in Sagittarius. That already happened. I'm a bad astrologer. I'm late. But basically that was a time really to focus on a wish in the area of Sagittarius, which is life and nature and knowledge and journeys and wizard stuff. It's very hopeful. Full Moon is all about wishes, every full moon we get a wish. So depending on what house that was, what area of your life. That's where the wish came true. Again, go to my blog for more everybody. Rising sign predictions below.

July 17 New moon in Cancer: Go find something soft and cozy to snuggle with

July 17, a new moon in Cancer. Now, again, Cancer is all about the power of softness, the power of babies, and thank you cards and all that soft Moon mommy, breast milk, baby stuff. We love the soft baby stuff. We love it helps us slow down and be soft and not be so fast. romanesco Why so fast. So the New Moon is where the seed wish gets planted in our lives. So there's a wish you want to come true. But you got to plan it in that area of your life that Cancer rules again, go to my blog for your rising sign. I'll tell you a prediction right there. So that's a day where whatever house the Full Moon in Sagittarius was last time it's going to die and death and decay and become compost for that new wish. So we want to do something we want to put an energy in the area of our life. On the new moon, they'll come true on the full moon. If you have any questions, comment below (on the video). Rising sign predictions below also.

July 22-September 3rd Venus retrograde in Leo into Cancer: Back that TaurASS up!

And lastly Venus retrograde on July 22 until September 3. Bam. Retrograde just means 2 things. Venus is incredibly close to the Earth and extremely powerful. It's like your guest is in your home on your couch, watching your Netflix, in your fridge eating your chunky monkey Ben and Jerry's ice cream it is in your face, everybody. And then retrograde also means it's one step back, not two steps forward, you forgot your surfboard at home. We got to go back. And Venus is a planet of Taurus, which is fixed fertility and pleasure. Looks good. Smells good. Sounds good. Tastes good. It feels good on our skin. And it rules the sign of Libra which is relationships of beauty and harmony like a beautiful albatross flying. So basically harmony, relationships, and pleasure and money. You're all going to have to kind of go back before you go forward. So there's gonna be delays. There's gonna be obstacles relating to those things, relationships, and the money and pleasure going on. But that's okay. It's like we gotta go back and work out the kinks before we move forward.  Since Venus will be retro primarily in Cancer I will post those predictions for your rising sign below.

But check out my blog. Gotta keep saying it but that my blog is really cool so everybody those your July predictions, or if you're really enjoying this, if you make love with astrology like I do, go book a free session on my site for your donation based session, and we could check out your magic story and check out your map please follow and subscribe. And let's be friends Tata!

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