My Wizards and Priestesses

This is Romanesco, and the Mercury retrograde hell is over. The season of Virgo, the scientist, and Elon Musk has begun. Keep watching for your September horoscope predictions.

I’m going to make this quick and simple because I know you all have more important stuff to do before we begin.

But first, selfishly, I’m coming out with my new astrology course, Confident Astrologer. On October 2nd, I’m opening up 10 spots. If you are a beginner or intermediate astrologer who’s tired of learning astrology through free YouTube videos and complex online courses that leave you feeling overwhelmed and too afraid of making mistakes to read charts for clients, this course is for you.

The wizard Romanesco will transform you into a confident astrologer who has mastered the basics with step-by-step, guaranteed methods to always be right. So you can relax, have fun reading charts for clients, and make an income with lifetime access to me.

Send me a DM, or go to my website, and we can hop on a Zoom call HERE

Please remember, all of these predictions are on my blog (link in the description), along with personal predictions for each zodiac rising sign. So click the link to my blog. If you don’t know your rising sign, just email me, and I’ll tell you what it is.

Note: These predictions use the sidereal zodiac, which our ancestors have used for 40,000 years. It’s 24 degrees behind the tropical zodiac, which is why I prefer using it.

Key Dates and Events:

September 1st - January 30th, Uranus Retrograde in Taurus

  • Uranus, the planet of change, surprises, and technology, will be retrograde in Taurus until January 2025. Taurus rules inflation, food prices, money, and goods. Expect shake-ups and changes related to these areas because Uranus brings spiritual and physical earthquakes.

  • Globally, we may continue seeing changes related to inflation, food, pleasure, and beauty. This period might also see increased talk about innovations in food, such as eating bugs and fake meat, becoming more popular.

  • This will shake up your relationship with pleasure and beauty depending upon your rising sign.

September 2nd - New Moon in Leo

  • The new moon in Leo, which symbolizes fun, children, and expression, is a time for setting new intentions. It’s a time to connect with your inner child, find what makes you feel joyful, and express yourself. A deep, subconscious wish related to Leo energy will come true.

  • Depending on your rising sign, this wish of the child  will manifest in different areas of your life. Check my blog for details based on your sidereal rising sign.

September 16th - October 17th, Sun Enters Virgo

  • Virgo season begins in the sidereal zodiac, highlighting themes of science, law, medicine, and service. The Virgo energy brings a focus on problem-solving, healing, and practical matters.

  • During this time, scientists and problem-solvers, like Elon Musk, will shine. Expect topics related to medicine, technology, and service-oriented professions to become popular. For personalized predictions on how Virgo season will affect you, look below.

September 17th - Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse in Pisces

  • The full moon in Pisces is a time of culmination and release. Pisces, the sign of the monk and mystic, encourages us to surrender, let go, and connect with our spirituality. This is a time to reflect on what started six months ago and see it come to fruition.

  • This is just a partial lunar eclipse but still powerful.  Expect Pisces to become strong for the next year and get good at surrendering!

  • To find out where you will experience this release, look below.

September 18th - October 13th - Venus Transits Libra

  • Venus, in its own sign of Libra, emphasizes harmony, beauty, and relationships. Libra is the sign of the diplomat and the dandy, with a focus on balance and creating connections.

  • This is a favorable time for fashion, music, and anything related to peace and diplomacy. Depending on your rising sign, this will show where you’ll find more harmony and create meaningful relationships.

September 22nd - October 10th - Mercury Transits Virgo

  • Mercury, ruling Virgo, will be in its sign of exaltation, amplifying Virgo’s traits of analysis, communication, and detail-oriented work. This is a powerful time for scientists, doctors, and anyone in problem-solving professions.

  • Focus on what you want to fix and heal in your life. For more specific predictions, see below for your sidereal rising sign.

Closing Thoughts

Wizards and priestesses, I hope you enjoyed this September forecast. I love connecting with you all and sharing my insights. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to create my living doing this.

If you want to become a confident astrologer—or if you need to be one—I’m offering an amazing experience through my course. Let’s connect and see if you’d be a good fit for my program. Please reach out, and let’s hop on a Zoom call.



Confident Astrologer Course Launching October 2nd!