Hey there, star lovers! December's knocking at our door, and it's bringing along a whirlwind of cosmic events. I'm Romanesco, and I'm excited to have you here. Let's connect, share, and explore what the stars have in store.
Quick heads up, we're talking about the sidereal zodiac here, which is a bit different from what you might be used to - it's 24 degrees back. It is for your rising sign or moon sign. If you're scratching your head about your sidereal chart, just drop me a message and I’ll do your chart for you.
I've just wrapped up teaching my Confident Astrologer course, and wow, was it a journey! I got to share ancient astrological wisdom with six eager students over ten weeks. It was magical, moving away from computer astrology to the old-school wizard-student vibe. I'm reopening the course in the FIRST WEEK OF JANUARY so stay tuned!
*For entertainment purposes only.
December 1st: New Moon in Scorpio
The Dark Roots of Wishes: Imagine planting a wish in the rich, dark soil of Scorpio on December 1st. This New Moon is about diving deep into your psyche, confronting those old wounds or traumas, and beginning to heal. It's like your soul's doing some deep gardening, especially where Scorpio shows up in your life.
Globally SECRETS are strong during this time. Many hidden moves are being made and deals being struck. We won’t understand everything at this time until the the new moon in Sagittarius; the secrets will be revealed. More espionage and ass**sinations at this time between countries.
December 2nd-29th: Venus Transits into Capricorn
Beauty Meets Endurance: When Venus sashays into Capricorn, we're mixing business with pleasure. It's time to make those long-term goals look good. Whether you're renovating your home or building a business, think about how you can infuse some beauty into your hard work.
Globally we can expect many new deals, contracts and partnerships forming in government and business. More money will be spent and invested in building new companies and things that will endure.
December 6th to February 24th: Mars Retrograde in Cancer
Warrior Fights at Home: Mars is debilitated in Cancer which means it is it’s “worst” sign. We love our warriors when they are fighting wars, but when the veterans come home that is when the new problems begin.Picture a warrior returning home but not quite at ease. That's Mars in Cancer, retrograde. It's a phase where we might see more domestic drama or feel a bit out of our element. Let's channel this energy into protecting our loved ones or perhaps nurturing our own inner child.
Globally expect the housing market to really experience some pain. Mortgage loans, home sales will likely drop and it will be a buyers market. AND…..sorry to say it but yes there will likely be more war and scary stuff happening at this time. Especially with military being used against their own people.
December 8th-July 4th 2025: Neptune Direct in Pisces
Spiritual Awakening: Neptune's direct motion in Pisces is like a cosmic invitation to explore your spiritual side. It's time for those mystical experiences, maybe even some alien encounters (who knows!). It's about shedding illusions and embracing spirituality in a real, tangible way.
Globally (I hate to say it) this is when the aliens will be revealing themselves more and more. The illusion that we are alone in the universe will begin to disappear but many more illusions will appear. Don’t believe what every government official and psychic youtuber tells you about UFO’s and UAP’s. Use some common sense and don’t use HOPIUM!
December 15th: Mercury Retrograde Ends in Scorpio
Secrets Unveiled: Mercury going direct is like the sun coming out from behind the clouds. It's when those Scorpio secrets you've been pondering over finally start to make sense or come out in the open.
Globally we will all begin experiencing some secret, scary stuff about how f*ked up the world is. There are alot of shadowy evil people/beings/aliens in control manipulating humanity behind the scenes and we all are beginning to notice the rotting stench and feel compelled to do something about it.
December 15th: Full Moon in Taurus
Fertility and Pleasure: This Full Moon in Taurus is all about enjoying life's pleasures. It's like a big, cosmic pat on the back for all your hard work, encouraging you to indulge, celebrate, and revel in the beauty of life.
Globally we can expect a big wealth transfer to happen, especially with Jupiter adding some JUice. Watch the crypto market and assets like XRP to make some dramatic moves at this time. Gold and silver will be getting more attention as well, but keep in mind smart money doesn’t tell the dumb money what they are doing until it’s too late. A good time to make a wealth strategy plan and stick to it.
December 15th-January 16th: Sun Transits into Sagittarius
Adventure Calls: The Sun in Sagittarius is like a call to adventure. It's the universe giving you a nudge to explore, learn, and expand your horizons. It's about finding joy, seeking truth, and maybe even a bit of justice along the way. This is a time to finally take all of those SCorpio SeCrets and compost them into a new rose. Like a Pokemon, TIME TO EVOLVE INTO YOUR HIGHEST SELF!
Globally we will see those who have done evil deeds behind the scenes and abused their power begin getting brought to justice. Expect more court cases, prosecutions and a call for higher morals. Not a good time to be a “bad guy”.
December 28th-January 28th: Venus Transits into Aquarius
Community and Culture: Venus in Aquarius is about bringing beauty to the masses. It's when we all come together to celebrate culture, community, and the simple joys of life. Think more community events, art for everyone, and a shared sense of beauty.
Globally we will see many more relationships and contracts between communities and cultures. Imagine South American indigenous people creating some rainbow bridges with Native Americans. Countries will begin forming clearer alliances.
December 30th: New Moon in Sagittarius
Deepening Wisdom: Here's another New Moon, this time in Sagittarius, encouraging us to set intentions that are as vast as the universe itself. Whatever your heart desires in terms of growth, wisdom, or adventure, now's the time to plant those seeds. A time to get very clear on your spiritual path and morals.
Globally expect more news articles related to justice and those keepers of SeCrets begin to be smoked out of their holes.
Hope you enjoy the December forecast. Please share it with any friends who need a pocket wizard like Romanesco!