August 2022 Monthly Horoscope Predictions by Zodiac Sign

Please note I am referring to the Vedic Astrology, sidereal zodiac that NASA and dolphins use which is different by about 24 degrees than the western zodiac. Don’t know your Vedic chart? Use my Free Vedic Birth Chart Calculator and I’ll do it for you!

What is the best way to describe how August will feel? Did you ever see the SNL sketch with Mike Meyers as the hyper-hypo kid? The child who was hyperactive and hypoglycemic? Imagine Mars and Aries as that but with a flamethrower, firecrackers and redbull. See GIF below for symbolic inspiration to meditate on.

The planet is getting hot with wildfires and heat waves. Our own lives are getting hot with more fighting and conflict in interpersonal relationships. Honestly, I am fine with it happening in our personal lives. As the warrior rising sign of Aries ruled by Mars I WANT people to stand up for what is right. I WANT your roses to have thorns.

The flames will keep getting hotter until November 2023 when Rahu the North Node leaves Aries so grab your sword and shield, lock arms with your brother and sister and GET TOUGH!

How to interpret each transit event

The best way to understand how a transit will affect your chart is to look at what sign the event is happening in and compare that to what house it rules from your rising sign.  The house is the area of life such as love, career, health etc.  Then set your smart phone reminders to notify you of the day the transits happen to help WOMANifest that energy into your life.

For example, if you are a Taurus rising and a transit event is happening in Virgo, count the number of houses from Taurus (with Taurus being 1) until you end up at Virgo which is the 5th house.  Then look at the chart below for the area of life that it rules and voila; you have your prediction.  If you do not know your rising sign you can easily get your Free Vedic Birth Chart Calculator HERE and I will do it for you. Or you can use your Sun or Moon sign if you are lazy.

1st house: The body, self, identity

2nd house: Wealth, pleasure

3rd house: Communication, commerce learning, younger siblings

4th house: Home, peace of mind, emotional mind, mother

5th house: Creativity, birthing, soul, father

6th house: Service, health, diets

7th house: Business and romantic relationships, partners

8th house: Shadow, old emotional and physical pain, transformation

9th house: Spirituality, nature, father, teachers

10th house: Career, reputation,

11th house: Community, culture, tribe

12th house: Surrender, being alone, loss

August 1: Uranus/Rahu/Mars conjunct @ 24 degrees Aries

I have been talking about this conjunction for a while now.  I call it, “a wormhole, a wildfire meets a cosmic earthquake.  All of this chaos can suck because it can UPSET our lives, but doesn’t your life need a little upsetting?  Let this astrological shockwave shake loose that which no longer serves you and AWAKEN your new meta god self.  While the STRONGEST effect will be felt around August 1st, this chaos seed will be blooming all the way through November 2023 with Mars the warrior being the STRONGEST planet in the sky until then.

August 6th-31st Venus in Moon’s sign of Cancer

Venus the planet of fertility and relationships will be in mommy’s sign of the home and soft things Cancer.  As a health chef for 18 years this excites me sooooo much! If you know me, get ready for some hardcore recipe testing.  You will be my guinea pigs bwahahaha!

This is the time to express your PLEASURE LOVE in very nurturing ways.  So do things that smell, taste, feel, sound and look good for your mom, for mama earth, babies, orphans, animals, baby plants etc. Flowing water like rivers, rain and waterfalls are beneficial.  The mantra, “I am a caregiver of pleasure and sweetness” is a good description. Look at my houses chart above and WOMANifest this energy in the corresponding house.

August 10: Mars enters Taurus

Mars, the warrior of Aries and the dark magician of Scorpio will be in Venus’s wealth and fertility sign.  This is a time for action and movement related to whatever you are trying to fertilize in your life.  Look at the housethat Taurus is in.  If it is your 10th house, grow that career!  6th house, grow that new diet, or fix that old broken thing.  Globally, it will likely be a good time for the stock market and commodities but also a good time for countries s̶t̶e̶a̶l̶i̶n̶g̶  doing business with each other. Maybe war and fighting over each other’s resources. Be careful with how much money you spend because it will be “burning a hole in your pocket”. Taurus ascendants watch out for that hot warrior man/woman in your life.  They will be hunting you…in a good way :)

August 14 -16: Mars conjuncts fixed star Algol

Algol is called “The Demon’s Star of Medusa’s Head”.  So that probably is not a good time for cupcakes and unicorns right?  Yeah…people will be figuratively and literally LOSING THEIR HEADS AND MINDS during this time. So stay chill and since you know it is about to happen sit back and try to enjoy the beautiful disaster.  SET YOUR SMARTPHONE REMINDERS TO PREPARE.

August 20th-October 2nd: Mercury in own exalted sign of Virgo

Mercury the messenger of money, silly cat videos and that annoying person who always argues with you about small details will be exalted in its own sign of Virgo the sign of healers and problem solvers.  Exalted means it is the happiest, strongest.  Scientists, lawyers, bodyworkers, mechanics and artisans will be doing very well during this time.  Find what house Virgo rules from your rising sign and focus on FIXING that house.  It may be annoying and emotionless but it is going to last a few months and Mercury will retrograde back in it so get comfy.

August 24-January 22, 2023: Uranus turns retrograde @ 24 degrees Aries

Uranus is the sky God who may also co-rule Aqurius the sign of community, social circles and cultures.  He rules earthquakes and awakenings. He is in Aries the sign of warriors, fire and for me as an Aries rising, FUN! Bwahahahaha…

Retrograde energy means 2 things:

1.The planet is the closest to Earth and YOU out of its whole orbit.  It is sleeping on you couch watching Netflix.  It is in your fridge eating your food and walking around in its underwear.  It is in your face AND YOU HAVE TO GIVE IT ATTENTION!

2. It is the “one step back” in the “two steps forward, one step back analogy”.  Whatever area it was transiting prior to going retrograde you will be “going over” it again.  Like if you get halfway to the beach and realize you forgot your surfboard at home and have to head back.

Uranus will be retrograding to around 20 degrees of Aries where it stations. It was there on May 8th, 2022 so whatever eccentric person or chaotic event or project that began around then will be revisited and pop back in your life until January. Search the dates or your text messages, social posts and photos to jog your memory.  This type of prediction is ALWAYS true.


August 2022 New Moon Full Moon Vedic Astrology Horoscope Predictions


July 2022 New Moon Full Moon Vedic Astrology Predictions